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  • Birthday 06/06/1975


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  1. Chubbs’s fumble did suck, I admit it made me sick but he has been a beast all year long. I put the loss more on the refs and missed field goals.
  2. Bryce has finally arrived, I’m so glad for the young man. It seems he has finally put it together.
  3. There offensive line holding all the way down the field again. Looks like our line finally had enough of it, great job!
  4. Several holds on that drive that amazingly somehow the refs missed lol!
  5. Agreed nothing against st brooks he looks like he is going to be good. But I believe right now anyway Hubbard has more power.
  6. Win or lose a great game for our team and definitely for Bryce!
  7. I am pleasantly surprised how Bryce has played the last couple of games. Him getting set down was a game changer for him a complete 180. I was absolutely one of the people trashing him at the beginning of the year, but to be honest I’m glad for the young man getting it together. From what I’ve seen last couple of games I do believe he can be our quarterback of the future.
  8. Absolutely agree! A good coach would have not allowed that to happen.
  9. Nice drive but left way too much time for Carr. And Christensen definitely not a tackle.
  10. That interception wasn’t on Bryce though
  11. Well that’s game I’m sure saints will score again, can’t out this loss on young
  12. Well nice pass by young XL blew it
  13. That jet sweep hasn’t worked all day don’t know why he keeps calling it.
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