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  1. or they put optics on someone that otherwise would have been overlooked despite being talented enough for the job. not everyone who has talent is given a fair opportunity. it doesn't hurt to open up the talent pool beyond what people with limited vision would otherwise have made available to them. it doesn't block talent. it widens the pool of talent and does nothing to affect the standards.
  2. we've had some very aggressive spammers this week. each day is getting worse. went away to lunch and came back and they spilled out everywhere. got it cleaned up, though.
  3. Huh? Who's pushing for another WR drafted early? Everyone?
  4. Refs already working to get the chiefs another win.
  5. I'm fine with this. Lived outside of Philly for a few years a long time ago and was a fan then. Wasn't crazy about the commanders winning. I just don't like them and don't like Quinn.
  6. Well Luvu and Chinn sure made an impression in the NFCCG
  7. Forgot about that guy, but yeah... I can see it. Jerry is going to go with someone he feels is familiar, safe, and that can be controlled or at the very least isn't going to work outside the box of what Jerry thinks is safe. Everyone looks at Jerry as this bold brash man, but really he's just a scared old man with a big mouth who uses false bravado to cover up his fear of becoming obsolete and put out to pasture.
  8. Patriots- trying to reclaim the past. Nice idea, but the past is the past and it can be er be replicated....nor should it. Move forward. Progress is not a bad word. Regression is. Vrabel is not the fix they think it is. Raiders- don't expect an old guy in his 70s to save you. If you think that's the right idea 1) you're going in the wrong direction and 2) you'll only be disappointed Bears- Johnson seems like a scared and uncertain guy who is lacking in confidence who is only doing this because he thinks he has to do that some destiny can be fulfilled. Bears will be looking to replace him in 2-3 years. Jaguars - seems like a whim decision for Coen and the Jags. Neither party has a clue what they are doing. Jets - I admire Glenn for going back to his old organization and for the ownership for hiring him, it I think this is a crappy situation for him that will only result in failure...not because of Glenn, hit because of the situation. Pure poo Cowboys - guy that is too old trying to control the game. See comments on raiders. Same as applies here. Coaching decision will be made by a guy who 1) shouldn't be making the decision and 2) will micromanage the poo out of the situation Saints - fug em. Best hire they could have made was Glenn (who was probably the best potential hire this cycle. Rest of the choices are poo.
  9. teams that are desperate for a QB will reach. raiders, browns, and giants all fit that bill. i'd also put the titans and even the jets on that list. though i think that the jets will likely chase after a vet. rodgers won't be back.
  10. only if somehow the raiders hire his daddy as HC.
  11. rather go defense. so much more important right now.
  12. We'll keep Jensen till he retires. He's a presence we need on the team and in the locker room. Hecker isn't bad. He gets the job done. He can stay. We need another placekicker, though. He's been a little high maintenance.
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