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  1. He's got this season to figure it out....the whole season. Hopefully it will be something I want to watch.
  2. it does seem like we've been throwing darts drunk and blindfolded. only consolation i have is that tepper keeps throwing. hopefully he's closer to hitting it right this year. i just know i'm anxious to see what it looks like.
  3. yeah, bryce is going to have to be exactly what he was hoped to be when he was drafted for that to not be true...the super processor or whatever that was. the guy is going to really have to show up in a big way. my confidence isn't really that high.
  4. when you don't win, game day isn't fun. nobody is happy. it's not rocket surgery. start winning games and most people will be happy. some will never be happy. it's their mission in life to be miserable and broadcast that misery to everyone on the regular. but for the most part, winning cures the blues.
  5. he didn't say he hadn't read it. he said he needs to dive into it more. the guy is a rookie. he's figuring it all out and he will. he won't settle for how he is now. he's committed to getting better. that's the only real take away there is from this.
  6. Title should have been 'From the Dumpster Fire to the Trailer Fridge'
  7. in our situation, it's not just idzik, but canales who is developing the scheme. between the two of them they should be able to get something pretty respectable out there. of course what is considered respectable is pretty subjective.
  8. yet it's what needs to be done to one degree or another any time you have a QB lacking in professional experience. OC has to build an offense around what the QB can and can't do well and it will probably look pretty vanilla until they get it figured out (providing they can, which could either be a player issue or coaching issue that is the deciding factor).
  9. Kept this iteration of you around long enough. Bye. See you in the next account....which, just a heads up, I'll go ahead and ban it too.
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