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Posts posted by cardiackat88.

  1. 6 hours ago, PanthersATL said:

    (did I read this here earlier?)

    any contractor that insists on Venmo - especially without a signed contract - is likely not licensed, insured, or paying appropriate taxes etc.


    The bill he sent me has options to pay online with credit cards, etc

    6 hours ago, Khyber53 said:

    Well, looking at the invoice, then checking the BBB site about them, they look like they've had some unhappy customers.

    I think I would ask them for an itemized invoice because you can't tell if they've done anything. A good company should be able to provide you with details.

    If they were at your house and did work at your request, which it seems they did, then they have a legal basis for the transaction. Your best bet is to get them to explain and itemize the work. You can then pick away at the things you know they didn't do and perhaps negotiate down the price.

    If you just bail, they have legal recourses that can affect the sale of your home, particularly a mechanic's lien which would have to be satisfied by either you or the buyer before the sale can be finalized.

    Stop trying to do this house sale on the cheap. Go find one of the big name real estate agencies to list and sell your house. It sounds like you folks have been screwed from the start with fishy deals and requests from the get go. There is a whole industry out there based on doing what you are going through, it is slimy and sticky. Pay the 2% more in commission and be assured that the bigger name companies (with real Realtor (TM) tags) will treat you better and within all bounds of the law.

    Edit to add: I got my NC Real Estate sales license in 1991 when I was 22 years old, I've completed the NC Residential Home Appraisers course, I would have been a fourth generation carpenter/cabinet maker, grew up doing carpentry with my Dad's family and masonry with my stepfather. My father and grandfather both had their own construction companies for decades (my grandfather built his last house at the age of  84 and his father ran a cabinet shop until he was 90). My father also ran a real estate brokerage and was a Realtor for 20 years before going back to school and getting his master's degree in architecture). I've bought and sold houses on the homeowner side as well. Not trying to puff up my credentials, just trying to  show that I've got a bit of a foundation in this area. There are other people here that have even more experience than I. Trust them.

    I have called off the sale of the house, and considered asking the realty company to pay for this “work”.

    Also, does he have any legal basis at all to do anything to me? I never signed ANYthing, at all.

  2. 7 hours ago, KatsAzz said:

    Any and everything associated with Matt Rhule needs to be vanquished and removed so far and from the Panthers that his name will only be the distant memory of a plan gone bad.

    Maybe Panthers can contact the WWE and find out how to “Benoit” Rhule.

  3. Ok, so here's the deal.

    My wife was trying super hard to sell our house, and the buyer had some hard-on for getting the house "mold tested".

    This was in Illinois, and after a long series of painful calls and emails, it became apparent to me that actual "mold testing" is reserved for EPA type stuff and is only conducted at large businesses.

    The realtor was NO help finding anyone to make this happen and my wife took the initiative to find someone. The big names in the area were totally swamped with frozen pipes and flooding already, but eventually got back to us to inform us they did not provide mold testing.

    Anyways, my wife eventually found a company through Angieslist (which was a MAJOR red flag to me) and a guy came out to do an estimate. He said it would be "about $5,000 or so" which sounded nuts but we were desperately trying to sell this house. There was no paperwork exchanged, and nothing was signed.

    He sent a crew to the house, and once again, no paperwork was presented or signed before or after the (poor excuse for) work was performed.

    The worker asked me to pay with Venmo, which I then told him to send me an invoice. He looked really disappointed as if he knew he was not going to get paid.

    The invoice is extremely vague, and I have attached it to this thread.

    There is no way in hell this "work" was worth nearly $3,500. 

    So what would you do? Just pay it? Haggle with him? Tell him to get real? 

    The "invoice" doesn't even have my legal first name on it, and I never signed anything AT ALL.

    Yes, some people came out and did some "work" so totally stiffing him does not seem right. Paying this obnoxious amount for him to send a crew of scummy guys (one of them left my house and knocked on the neighbors door three doors down for no believable reason. He claimed his saw burned up but did not ask us if we had one).

    What is some advice for this, and what would you do?


  4. This is a great question and I was about to make a post pertaining to situation I am in.

    Basically hired this total scumbag to come and do "work" at my house.

    He charged and obnoxious amount and sent a very undetailed bill.

    At one point, his employee asked me to pay 3K-5K with effing Venmo.

    He is asking for about $3.5K but it just does not feel right.

    I DID NOT sign ONE single document before or after this all started.

  5. 4 hours ago, GOAT said:

    haha there's some good agents out there for sure but my God I've never seen someone get such large commissions for such little work. 

    That’s pretty much what was about to happen here.

    I swear this dude did NOTHING. He would call my wife and say something needed to be done and she would start working on it.

    I had to explain to her multiples times that HE works for US.

  6. 5 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Who knows? I'm very aware that we're only getting one side of the story here.

    Assuming everything you've said here is a fair representation they may have felt there was little chance of this sell closing and with you already showing signs of being dissatisfied and talking about firing them it was best to just cut bait and walk away not wasting anymore time and resources on this.

    Yea, maybe so.

    I have also wondered if the realtor would back out before I did. I was a complete asshole to him over the phone.

    I didn’t mean to flip out on him but MAN did he push my buttons.

    I asked him if the buyer or his company was pitching in with the $3k mold guy he did not help us find, and insisted that we get. (I was already pissed with him expressing concern for my family after the scumbags that came to my house and ALL he could ask was if I got a mold test, or not).

    When I asked him that, he said “mold guy?” As if I was talking about an effing rocket ship on the roof.

    I then asked him why he was suggesting to my wife to get car titles loans in order to contribute to the $15k closing costs and he says “I am trying to help her get the money”.

    I lost it on him. I had already ran out of patience with him long ago.

    Point is, I partly thought he might back out himself citing me as a raging physco.

  7. Another update:

    I left him a voicemail saying I was backing out of the sale, and I emailed his realty company directly.

    This was so weird to me.....they did not put up ANY resistance and all but immediately send me documents to sign to back out of the house.

    They had me on the hook for a large payout, and was representing the buyer.

    What am I missing here? They didn't even try to salvage it, one bit.

  8. UPDATE:

    I have called this effing idiot and absolutely laid into him.

    The final straw is when he asked my wife if she could get car title loans to pay off the 15k in closing.

    I told him that if the closing cost was not 0 and the mold remediation was not paid in full by his realty company then he can forget I exist.

    He kept saying “I am trying to help her get the money” and I have never laid into anyone so hostilely over the phone.

    When I told him the deal was off unless he met my stipulations he says “I would hate to see the deal not go through” which I screamed at him “YEA! I BET YOU WOULD. YOU ARE BUYING AND SELLING THIS HOUSE. YOU HAVE A LOT TO LOSE”.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if HE backs out of the dealing citing that I am a psychopath 😂 

    My wife has now agreed that I can fire him and just pay on the house while we are overseas. Enough is enough.

  9. Thank you so much, everyone who has replied and offered me assistance.

    I am about fed up with this realtor.

    He is representing me, the seller, as well as the buyer.

    I also just got stuck with a nearly 3.5K bill from a very suspicious mold removal company due to this realtor basically bugging the living hell out of my wife to have it looked at.

    I have sent him an aggressive text about the situation. I live and work overseas so the time zones are almost 15 hours apart, but I can text him over Imessages.

    I think my next step is to tell him the closing costs need to be 0 AND the mold crap is now his problem or he can forget selling the house.

    Is that a foolish threat? 

  10. 5 hours ago, toldozer said:

    Please tell me what state you're located in. Everything you've said about this situation is INSANE. If you're in NC or SC sellers closing cost is minimal unless you agreed via contract to pay the buyers cc. I'm happy to look at the contract stuff you've signed if you're outside of NC/SC.  I'm assuming contract language is mostly the same in every state. PM me I'll give you my email address and you can send over them and I'll look. If you're in NC or SC I can't ethically help you if you've signed an agreement with this "agent" you keep referring to

    This is Illinois.

    My wife has basically had to do this all alone and is really easily duped.

  11. Nope.

    Putting any QB ever in their prime on this team would be horrible.

    This is exactly like what we talked about with Deshaun Watson.

    Selling the farm and not being able to build around him would only lead to poor performance, injury, Derek Carr syndrome, etc.

    Meanwhile, your future is mortgaged for years and you cannot afford anything.

  12. To make a long story short, my family and I are a little desperate to get out of the house we are in now.

    I also work overseas and haven't been able to be involved in the business dealings of it that much, leading me to believe my wife is being taken advantage of.

    Anyways, the closing costs may be between 10-20K.

    This realtor has already come off as a dunce to me multiple times, and seems to think people have that much laying around or can just instantly get approved for it.

    I asked for a personal loan and my bank denied my when I mentioned it was for closing costs.

    Is this a normal thing? Will the bank I have the mortgage with not just be more than happy to have more of my money?

    I really REALLY didn't want to go to my bank today, and I got the answer I was sure I would get in being denied.

    With this, what are some options I have? I am basically screwed on the amount and all, but how does this normally work?


  13. I love how way in depth Olsen is able to go on so many aspects of the game.

    Hearing him announce is like having a real time analyst that is able to offer insight and basically secrets that many people don’t know.

    I have watched the NFL for 25 years but I always learn something new just about any time he speaks.


    • Pie 3
  14. 7 minutes ago, Ja Rhule said:

    My realtor hired a professional before I put my house up for sale to tell me the issues I had.  I received a professional paper stating all of the issues.  I even tested for mold, I think it was $400 and I got a professional paper stating that I had no mold.  This shouldn’t be complicated.  I think he has a shitty realtor. 

    Also, I would never pay for service that cost more than $500 thru PayPal on Venmo.  Invoice a must and check or credit card only because both protected (if you have stop payment on check).  Venmo… once money sent, you are on the hook if you got screwed.

    Yea, I am really not sure what the problem is. There was a ton of bad floods and freezing pipes in this area. Its been an act of God to get anyone out here too look in the first place.



  15. 4 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Either way, call the realtor and find out why he thinks this is necessary. Definitely don't pay for any mold remediation if there's no obvious mold.

    Did the realtor ask for you to have a mold issue remediated or simply to get a mold test to confirm there's no mold issues?

    These are really good questions!

    I will have to ask. My wife did most of this and there is a lot of things I am unsure of.


  16. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Call your realtor. Have them recommend a mold guy. If there's no obvious mold have them do a test. Definitely don't give some rando $5k through Venmo when no actual work has been done.

    I'd be pushing my realtor on why he wants this certification. Why is he concerned the house has mold. If his buyer is concerned about mold then they can pay for a home inspection and have a mold test done. I just wouldn't be doing anything specific for a specific buyer without an acceptable written offer in hand.

    I really don't like dual agency situations and I honestly think the practice should be banned. But that's just me. There's no way an agent can fairly represent both sides of the deal.

    Thanks for the advice.

    I am afraid its too late for some things. Like getting him to contribute in the mold inspection or anything.

    My wife has been here alone having to do this all herself, and I am trying to help her this two weeks I am here. Its been a super hassle wanting to leave on a time schedule and finding someone who wants the house.

    We are "first time homeowners" and the experience has been nightmarish.


  17. 14 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Does this agent happen to also be representing the potential buyer?

    You say there's a rumor that this house has mold. Does it have mold or not? I mean, you can go down to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a mold test kit for $10-15.

    Yes, he is also representing them.

    He wants something "official" that the house has mold (or not). I am unsure if a test kit was used, it may or may not be. I am not normally here and I am trying to sell this house and get them to where I am.

    I am worried this mold remediation company will want the $5,000 before hand and then completely ghost us with this "certification". Then I will be stuck with no stupid paper and a lady who wants this stupid paper before the sale is complete.

    I still have not signed nor seen one single document pertaining to this job.

    The guy who came out also suggested $5,000 through Venmo, which struck me as extremely odd. For an unknown reason, this guy also went through our neighbors backyard and knocked on their door. The neighbors texted my wife all this and the guy acted really weird about it.

  18. 29 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Did you find this person/company or did your realtor? If it's your realtor let them deal with it. If it's you ask them for a detailed invoice of exactly what they've done.


    Yea, and they were the only people who would come out.

    This realtor only cares about this mysterious certification about no mold.

    As much as I hate big corporations, I really wish I could hire somebody like Walmart to do it without all this effin nonsense.

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