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Posts posted by tukafan21

  1. Those Golds are on fire!! Congratz those cards are hard card to get! I'm shocked by how well they sell

    Love the BCRC always a fan.

    Thanks man, I got it for cheap too since the guy ended the auction at like 11 am on a Friday, hahaha

    Won it for $23 delivered when the first two sold for $45 and $35 and the only other one listed is on comc for $70 and I talked to him and is asking for $50 for it

    and I got the BC for free, a fellow Panthers collector on blowout sent it to me for giving him a good deal on a Stewart Prizm auto /5. I already had the only one I had seen show up, then another showed up on comc for just $25 (no idea what that guy was thinking to list it at that price, I bought it in half a second even though I already had one), I then sold it to the guy for $50, could have sold it to that one guy on ebay for at least $70, but I hate him and didn't want to help out his collection, hahahaha

    Just wait till I get this other card in though, as I said before, it absolutely will not be what you're expecting

  2. Some nice stewart stuff popped up on ebay tonight

    I know, and at some good prices

    I'm pissed

    I know the seller a bit as I've bought like 10 Stewart cards from him a few months back when he started to sell off his collection. Those high end Chrome ones he had listed before at really high prices with no best offer's available.

    Now just after I went WAY overboard on my recent purchases, even with the low prices he had them listed at having offers on them, I couldn't even consider putting in any offers when I saw them listed earlier.

    I just went in and looked, the best ones all had the BIN's hit on them, almost assuredly by the main Stewart collector, we'll see in the feedback soon enough.

    Oh well, I'm fine with the money I don't have going towards the ones I did pick up anyways, and the new one I have coming in was worth it too (gave up my P&P BGS 9/10 Cam Auto Patch for it). It's probably not what you'll be expecting to see either, I know you guys will be impressed and probably agree it was worth giving up that Cam auto for it, even though the Cam is worth a decent amount more than it.

    I had offered to buy it, but then the two 1/1 autos popped up and I had to buy those, so I had to trade for it and the Cam was the highest end card I had that I was willing to move. I even had to throw in a few basketball cards in as well, but at that point it wasn't worth a few nice cheap basketball cards instead of this Stewart.

  3. oh boy will I have a nice surprise for you guys hopefully early next week

    and no, this is not one you'll be able to find in ebay completed sales pantherfan82, as this one was a trade I made with someone on one of the forums

    and yes, this is what I mentioned a week or so ago when I said I was trying to work out a deal for a really nice Stewart.............................

  4. I'll give you $5 for that Peterson auto. Man just tore his ACL, no way he can come back from that, just look at kijana carter (sp).

    Ps I love beer.

    That card has quite a history/story behind it

    First of all, it was sitting in a box of 2007 Jumbo in a card stores warehouse for 5 years and they had just cleaned out the warehouse of old inventory and they just wanted to clear it out quick so they had packs at $6.

    The night before I pulled it I won $150 at the casino, the next day on my way to the golf course I stopped at the card store to spend that money on some boxes, don't remember what I bought, but I spent all 150 and didn't get anything good, scrub autos, wasn't happy. As I was walking out the store I remembered that I wanted to have some singles for tips at the course, I had a $10 bill so I decided to do a pack of the 2007 Jumbo for the hell of it since it was like 50 cards I'd get to flip through.

    I grabbed the top pack, then decided I felt a different one would be lucky, as I was reaching in for a different one I said, "screw it, not like there's going to be anything worth pulling in this box anyways" and kept that first pack I grabbed and was off to the course.

    I pulled into the parking lot and opened the pack while waiting for my friends to show up and was really happy with an AP auto. This was also like 2 months after getting back into the hobby, so I didn't know anything about red ink autos or Topps Premiere autos yet, I was just thrilled with an AP rookie auto. I obviously found out all about them that night from the card forums telling me about them.

    Sold the card the next day, and after a few days I realized how stupid that was, that it was such a rare thing to have one of those cards and to know for a fact they are real since so many from that year were faked. The guy had it authenticated, graded it, and then was trying to sell it for an ungodly price (really if that set hadn't been tarnished by the fakes, it would be $1,000 card, easy).

    For 8 months I watched this guy try to sell the card on the forums and was dying to get it back, and he knew it, but I was never willing to pull the trigger on it with the asking price.

    Finally during the run for the record the guy messaged me and said that he was going to put it up for auction with it ending just after their last game of the year. But if I still wanted it, he'd sell it to me for what I sold it to him, plus the authentication and grading costs, with like $25 extra for him.

    I knew if I passed on it then, I'd never be able to find it again, and if I did come across one, I'd never know if it was the one that I pulled, so I just bit the bullet and bought it back.

    As soon as I bought it back it actually made me like AP that much more and I became a big fan of his down the stretch and rooting for him to break the record. Needless to say, unless I fall into serious problems, that card is never leaving my collection again now that I've got it back. The rarity and way that I pulled it makes it a one of a kind card to me

  5. That prizm is really sharp...

    Thanks man, you don't know the half of it

    I had heard from everyone that pictures don't do them justice, and while I believed them, never fully understood it until I got it. It's absurdly amazing in person, the way all the light reflects around the card is beautiful.

    Easily the best card in my Panthers collection now, but the Stewart Silhouette might still be my favorite

    I think if I were to rank my 5 favorite Panthers card cards right now it would go like this

    1. Stewart Silhouette

    2. Stewart Prizm Finite 1/1

    3. Cam Silhouette (pulled myself)

    4. Cam Gold Standard (pulled myself)

    5. Stewart Gold Standard 1/1

    If I didn't limit it to my Panthers though, the AP TP Red Ink would be either #3 or #4, tough call, it's also by far and away the best overall card that I own, that's not even a question.

    and because I do love that card so much and it's the best card I've ever personally pulled, I think I'm going to show it off in here one more time, hahahaha


  6. oh, and according to the tracking, unless the post office really sucks tomorrow, I'll be getting the first of my secretive pickups tomorrow, the second hopefully will be here Tuesday


    Just checked the tracking, and it looks like the second one might have gotten here way faster than I expected and will be getting it tomorrow as well, fingers crossed that I get lucky and it shows up tomorrow as well.

    It would make a mailday that I know for a fact I would NEVER be able to top no matter what. The combination of these two cards showing up on the same day would be absolutely epic

    The sad part is that the first was paid for at like 2 in the afternoon on Tuesday, the second was paid for at like 11 PM on Friday and they might show up the same day. That first seller is just pathetic in his shipping times, can't stand it when people do that.

  7. I can't even count the number of bad boxes opened.

    No kidding

    Me pulling those Cam's was the card gods only slightly paying me back for all the bad boxes I've opened. Not counting my 2011 Crown breaks, because for whatever reason I can't seem to lose on those, I probably have 1 good box break for every 4 or 5 bad ones, and that might be a generous guess.

    Hell, even when I pulled that Cam auto, I also busted a box of 2012 Magic and my best card was a Coby Fleener base auto, hahaha

  8. You bastards make me sick always pulling Cam autos or Zuck Fod pulling Luck autos..lol

    I guarantee if I go buy a hobby box my best pull will be a Brian Quick auto.

    Trust me, I've had more than enough of my share of dud boxes, getting something like this Cam every so often is just the card world paying me back for all the crappy boxes I've had.

    The funny thing is that as great as the hits like that are, they still cost me a bit of money as that's a hit that I would normally sell if it wasn't Cam. So by keeping it, I'm out the $70 for the box, and kinda also out the $125-150 that I would be getting if I sold the card

    But I'm good with it on this one seeing as the 2011 Silhouettes are my favorite set of all time, that just became my favorite self pulled card ever, and that might not ever be beaten. I'd need a Panthers 1/1 or a real nice Stewart auto to beat it

  9. Im excited too see it and its not even my card. I could take guesses but ill just wait

    The wait is killing me

    I bought and payed for it within 15 minutes of it being listed and he's taken a few days to ship it, a little upset by that considering how quick I bought and paid for it after him listing it and for what I spent on it, kinda wish it went out that day as it was still early afternoon, but I'll live with it as long as it arrives safe.

    He said it would go out today, coming from Texas to Michigan, really hope he gets it to the post office early in the morning so it can start it's way up here sooner, don't want to wait until Monday but I feel like I'll have to

    But trust me, it won't disappoint when you see it, that's a fact

  10. Man you must be trying to get something insane. My curiousity is up

    Well, I'll put it this way......

    Here is my full Panthers PC: http://s1158.photobu...s PC/?start=all

    It will immediately jump to the #1 spot in my collection


    And it will probably be extremely difficult for me to ever top it with something else unless I get very lucky somehow someday

    (value wise, my Cam Gold Standard might beat it out by a little just because it's a rookie auto and 3 colors, but this is a better card for sure, it's oh so fine)

    And yes, there is a small hint in this post as to what it is, but it's very subtle and if you aren't fully up to date on your card game you can be staring right at it for an hour and you'll have no idea that's the hint, hahahahahahahahaha

    If you think you found the hint, don't post it in here, just message me and maybe I'll confirm, maybe not..............

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