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The Saltman

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Status Updates posted by The Saltman

  1. You know I dont care. I'm hardly sensitive. Well hardly excluding my wife.

  2. Rivera doesnt groom QBs

  3. If its any consolation i want both matt moore and cam newton on the squad this year.

  4. you love me...dont deny it

  5. no worries. I squeeze my daughter when she won't sleep sometimes. it happens.

  6. FYI though this is about the age for your son to do what you just described. They all do that (kicking and screaming when changing diaper or clothes). you just need to distract him. Any kind of punishment wont work right now.

  7. well as you know I do raise my voice and tell her no. That didnt work so well. Its really hard to discipline right now at this age. but once they understand I think time out is the way to go.

  8. thanx for my new avatar

  9. I copy u or u copy me?

  10. things are good with the fam bro. daughter is all over the place now that she can walk...tiring to say the least. Hows the big boy doing? No not u..

  11. stop posting gay ass matt moore pics on my profile page.

  12. naw the first one is better

  13. yes to both questions

  14. I was just reading your back and forths between you and Teeray and rico and thought I needed to say something...lol But ya your avatar needs to be changed.

  15. lol you aren't the type that can take a joke can you?

  16. and yes you are what you eat.

  17. Did anybody tell you you are a big dick? Also I think it's time for an avatar change...PLEASE!!!!!

  18. If u didn't know. I'm muslim

  19. im good bro...busy with school and transition at work. I basically hired someone to take over my job so I have been training him also.

  20. ya maybe Zod is sick of us and will replace all mods with unqualified members.

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