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Status Updates posted by bleys

  1. fo shizzle my nizzle.. oh, and these I haven't seen before.. weird. Zuzanna_bouncing.gifboobs_bouncing.gif

  2. cool, I'll txt you and we'll figure something out..

  3. one sec.. aright, I'm back. gonna be in Raleigh? get at me dog! I don't know if I can get some basketball going though.. we should definitely grab a beer.

  4. I'll send out some emails when I'm back in town, on the way back today.

  5. no, those pictures take up the rest of my time..

  6. the mini's sounds like the way to go.. and yeah, they wouldn't fill me up but would do the trick to hold me over.

  7. not a bad idea while on the road, instead of stopping at fast food.. I'll have to check them out.

  8. flavored rice cakes? that sounded like the worst idea ever, unless they don't taste anything like a rice cake... I'm usually on the road. if I'm on here I'm either at a McDonalds or Coffee shop (WiFi) or at home.. I'm about to make a sandwich..

  9. lol.. anyhow, how about them ESPYs?

  10. gotcha.. and damn, what's he doin with his arm around her! lol

  11. it doesn't come on until 7..

  12. I don't mind Skip and Colin like a lot of people.. anyhow, I have the pre-show on record. ;)

  13. they selected well on Lewis' character.. lol I agree on all counts.. it definitely has my attention. I'd have to say it's a toss up between that and White Collar for me.. however, WC has been on a while, Suits gets the nod because of that new new..

  14. one of my favorites.. It could be the best show on right now, IMO.. It'll be interesting to see how they unfold the storyline..

  15. so awesome, now I can take her with me on the road.. :confused: todays-threesome.gold_.michelle-beadle.jpg

  16. damn man.. I can't say I've ever heard 1 mac miller song, but now I love that f**king song.. lol if you're referring to the sound that's similar to:

    I think there are quite a few songs like that.. granted that example is them actually singing but the high pitched singing in the background? if so, there could be quite a few songs similar.. although I can't think of other example, ATM...
  17. no prob.. great show, worth catching up on. USA already bought up next years as well.

  18. yeah you definitely need a backlog of what has been going on.. check this site below and go down to "Episodes", it give a brief summary for each season. A lot more info you can read up on if needed. I was going to type up my own, but figured someone had to have done a better job. low and behold, wikipedia.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burn_Notice

  19. might as well keep it going.. lol I guess I should thank Klong for this...

  20. bleys

    used to sell health & life insurance, but recently signed on with Aflac (more stable, easier sell, and accounts become watering holes for new prospects).. Signed on with the NC-East region, whose HQ is down in Clinton. I'm familiar with the surrounding Raleigh areas, but now have a foothold with accounts in the East division.. for example, I am about to open up a 32 person group from a Fayetteville referral.

  21. I couldn't pick 1.. girl-boobs-80.giflift_them_tits.gif

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