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Posts posted by raleigh-panther

  1. 22 minutes ago, PootieNunu said:

    We need to clean house completely, unfortunately Tepper will want to keep Fitt, Campen, Tabor, and Bryce. 

    And if the owner does this, barring a miracle, he will totally lose what is left of his fan base and I’m not just talking about people in the area who buy tickets 

    at some point, tepper’s ego won’t be able to stand being a laughing stick who is every traveling team’s get well hostess party 

  2. Interesting listen for those who have time  7 mins…at 2 mins or so, the comment on factions and Fitterer 

    I truly believe the house needs to totally cleaned out, Fitterer, every single coach, all of it 


    Anyone who has ever worked in a team oriented situation knows the truth of the insinuations here 

    also found one of the comments to this post having some truth that perhaps the players don’t believe in Young too.   ….ill add to it, Fitterer saving his ass by going to Tepper about Reich not coaching up Young (ie, the depth of drops)   

    scott Fitterer, Mr consensus builder, is a snake 

    if this org is ever going to be successful the coach and GM need to be joined at the hip 


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  3. 1 hour ago, BenjaminBreeg said:

    Yep, it's clear as day that Bryce creates a lot of problems for the O-line. I see four intermeshing deficiencies in Young's game that directly contribute to the O-line's perceived lack of performance:

    – One, Young's dropbacks are way too shallow. On his dropbacks, he usually saunters backward for a few short steps and then leisurely stops. I mean, WTF, right? How are the interior linemen supposed to protect him when he doesn't give them enough depth to block effectively?!
    – Two, Young's pocket awareness is very poor, which directly leads to his inability to navigate the pocket when it gets dirty. He also seems incapable (or too scared) to climb the pocket on the few occasions where his shallow dropbacks didn't prevent the O-line from creating a path for him to climb and make a throw.
    – Three, Young is undersized and lacks athleticism. If they get one hand on him, he's going down, and if he tries to escape, he's quickly chased down and sacked. 
    – Four, Young is a slow processor. He holds onto the ball for too damn long which, combined with his lack of pocket awareness and athleticism, translates into more sacks. 

    These four deficiencies all feed into each other and create an unfair impression that our O-line is subpar. The fact is that our O-line on average provides Young with 2.5 seconds of pocket time, which is very respectable; only six teams afford their QBs more time in the pocket than us. I'd even venture to say that our O-line over-performed given the aforementioned deficiencies at the quarterback position.

    P.S. I'm surprised that our linemen haven't cornered Bryce in a dark alley and smacked him around a little.


    this 1,000,000 times 

    thank you for succinctly quantifying what our eyes see 

    how in the name of God in the pre draft process did all these high paid scouts, Directors of pro personnel, GM and staff,  and all star coaching staff have ‘conviction’ on this player and not see these things …

    …unless they were told to not see them 

    surely, a dinner was not that transformational 


    • Pie 1
  4. At the end of the day, few players stay with the same team their entire career

    they are paid and have a contract …some have incentives that won’t be met, at least offensively with this cluster 

    ..but they need to always think about the next move …it’s a short career 

    ‘the tape don’t  lie’

  5. 19 hours ago, Johnstonny said:

    ...that snake undoubtedly has to go....

    Yep…the snake that said

    1. all the Panthers had to do ‘drop a qb in and go’ and own the South 

    2.  that he didn’t think they would ‘be drafting in the top 10 next year’ inferring they would be doing so well with the talent they had, would be a top 10 team…not because he traded the pick  away.

    3. That he had ‘CONVICTION’ on Young and yet suddenly had concerns on Young’s footwork.  He is forever believes this kid could be Wilson   He will never be Wilson    He is neither elusive ir quick. 

    4. Who singlehanded gave away every decent offensive weapon they had and brought in the likes of Chark, Sanders, Hurst and oh yeah, let Gilmore and Riddick walk too and failed to get any true receivers to stretch the field …and selected nothing on the drafts to help that situation 

    5  who failed to match personnel to system 

    6  failed with decent backups to the oline 

    7  failed in drafts

    8  supposedly ratted on the coach he helped get fired 

    the list is very very long 

    Snake is the right term but he and Tepper appear to be fug buddies so I expect no changes   I don’t even want Morgan kept because he and Tepper are pals 

    if they do not clean house and bring in known competent people, it’s over for me  however the Panthers won’t miss me in any case. 


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  6. I believe Burns is trying to play through an elbow injury …that would make it fairly tough to do a few things he needs to do….not having Reddick doesn’t help 

    if I put myself in his shoes, I’d want out too….5 years of losing…not just losing but rudderless losing, will do that to a person

    he sees Reddick, Young, Sweat all getting out and getting contracts and he’s stuck in the Tepper clusterfug 

    it would be in everyone’s interest to move him most Likely 

    Good ole Scott Fitterer, the rebel without a clue vs cause.

  7. 2 hours ago, BenjaminBreeg said:


    The Teppers and their house pet Fitterer value table manners above all else. Bryce was drafted at no. 1 because he looked so poised around the dinner table:

    “You feel the presence of the player, just like the command that they have,” Fitterer said. “As he’s sitting there at dinner, he was so poised and you’re like, ‘OK, if I put this guy in a huddle,’ if Frank and I saying, ‘This is the guy, we’re putting him in the huddle, game’s on the line.’ Bryce is the guy we want our players looking at, knowing this is the guy that can get it done for us. We can win with this guy. And I think that’s kind of where that social part overlaps in the football side when you get to know the person and not just the player.”

    Wow. Just wow 

    nfl football is not about Miss Manners   

    Fitterer needs to be gone 

    • Pie 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, stratocatter said:

    I agree, it is simple


    20 minutes ago, stratocatter said:


    But I digress. Eyeballs are completely unnecessary for this evaluation. Edit: strike that. They are. 

    Did I ever get a reply from any of the big Bryce Young promotors about the little hop skip step thing he does running up to launch his deep ball? 

    No I don’t think I have. It took my eyeballs literally a few reps of watching his pro day deep balls to see it. But no one acknowledges or explains it to me. They don’t try. It must be really complicated. I am sure they must think I couldn’t understand it.

    It is simply mind boggling that this genius staff and GM and scouts didn’t flag this 

    in almost every sport necessary to throw a ball or hit a ball, set, transfer weight, turn hips to target. ….

    i just am very perplexed how these nfl evaluators did not flag this  

    from what my UNTRAINED eye sees of Young, it’s a miracle he ever completes a pass in the NFL 

    Very hard to change someone’s biomechanics this  late in the fame 

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  9. 19 hours ago, SCO96 said:

    In this scenario you go into the 2024 draft knowing that Bryce will be starting the season as the #1 QB on the depth chart. What would be your top priority in round 2: O-line, WR, TE, dare I say it…pick another QB, or would you trade down for additional choices (big mistake if you ask me)?

    I think this draft is critical. I just don’t see Carolina acquiring top free agents after the disastrous 2023 season. This team is sorely lacking in talent so we can’t afford to miss on this pick. We need to find a starter in the 2nd round (and round 3 to be honest).


    This team needs talent on that oline 

    they drafted a midget 

    he needs a great center and two above average guards 

    they have neither..,

    decide what offense they are running and draft accordingly 

    consider, per stats, from Peter King, Bozeman, the Tepper’s’ buddy  (who a contract has been sunk into) was ranked number 32 of starting centers in pass pro) 

    consider both  guards are getting injured and they are coming off injury and Corbett may never be the same and was he truly that great in any case

    with the draft picks they have they need to fix that oline   They sunk a lot of assets into young…too many, so protect him 

    this team sucks at drafting WRs…get one or two in free agency and move on.


  10. 2 minutes ago, rayzor said:

    i've already checked out of next season, too. i just don't have a good feeling about anything up until 2025 and even then i'm kind of sketchy about it.

    It’s heart breaking to me as that is the reality 

    been with the franchise from the very beginning 

    that’s the way of pro sports….pay your money and take your chances 

    watching the Teppers’ quickly exit, with his wife leading yesterday,  out of their box after the 1 yard failure was hilarious   

    if only  they would leave town that quickly 

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  11. 2 hours ago, CmC2k said:

    A lot of respected football evaluators and former plays are all saying Bryce will be fine and that he's in an impossible situation right now. But sure, let's label him a bust because the huddler who was the 3rd string JV offensive tackle in high school said so. 

    And how many of those ‘evaluators’ have actually watched him play a full pro game this year ?

    The Panthers are no powerhouse but when the plays are there to be made HE DOES NOT MAKE THEM   or maybe better put, HE CANNOT MAKE THEM   He either doesn’t see them or can’t execute them, either way it is a cluster 

    we have also drafted a qb so physically small that they do not have him run a qb sneak for one yard….one freaking yard. 

    he looks like a child out there and most of the time plays like one 

    he is slow, bad footwork, his vision lacks, and too small to break a tackle 

    as Parcells said, given his slight frame,  when he was drafted ‘he better walk on water’.  He doesn’t  

    his press conferences are totally cringeworthy …his maturity level at those is not there   His body language sad   

    if he lasts his contract, he will be a slightly below average pro.  His pro tape does not lie 

    I’m sorry about all of this for the fans of this franchise, particularly the paying fans, as this is a rat hole that will not be emerged from anytime soon 


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  12. Well

    The Cowboys are better after Moore left.  
    The team Moore went to is much worse

    im sure there are extenuating circumstances but facts are facts 

    then Bellinchek.  Since Brady left, increasingly putrid.  Lost the locker room (so the rumors go) plus he seems to not be doing well drafting in this era 

    Both seem like the Tepper’s’ kinda people 

    I’ll tell ya, it’s a sad state of affairs when a team can’t do a qb sneak for 1 yard…to not even consider it 

    this franchise is fuged 

    • Pie 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, TN05 said:

    All day, the Panthers looked great in an under-center set, with a strong running game. This is also where Bryce Young looked the best. This shouldn't be too surprising, given this sort of offensive setup worked well for Steve Wilkes last year.

    Instead, throughout the game, at pivotal moments, we went to the pistol. It didn't work, and in most cases it was actually disastrous. This is most obvious in the idiotic decision to convert a 3rd and 1 out of a run in the pistol. Stuff like this has characterized the entire season, and I don't think it helps anyone.

    If the staff, and/or David Tepper, can just get off their high horse and get back to the power run system, we might get a win or two the rest of the season. It might not be "sexy" to run Chubba Hubbard up the middle, and it might look too much like Jerry Richardson football (something Tepper clearly just does not like) but it was absolutely winning us the game for a bit.

    Everyone in the universe knows what this offense is when in pistol…I mean everyone 

    add to it a qb that can’t sneak for a yard

    plus receiver with little separation

    and here we are 

    to not be able to get 3’ …twice is pretty damned pathetic.  Whatever happened  to bringing in Dalton on those…guess they don’t want to emphasize Young’s shortcomings 

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  14. Good lord, did anyone see his post game presser ?

    in the name of all that is holy, please stop fidgeting…seeing  a  starting nfl qb constantly  picking at his hair, his face, scratching his arms and under shirt…come on man   

    it’s like a six year old at the podium 

    I really really struggle to see what they saw in this guy…

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