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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Yeah, they're not there yet. I saw a tweet earlier today where it said the Hornets have only won 9 games without Hayward since he joined the team. It also stated they have won over 50% of the time when he plays.
  2. Dell making excuses for why the Hornets are having a bad game would be better if they hadn't played the same way Sunday.
  3. The Hornets have fought back into it and are only down 5
  4. Last game wasn't good and this one isn't starting much better. The lads seem to be in a collective funk.
  5. I've felt that way since midseason or so. Passing on top prospects tackle prospects because they are QB desperate is a Panthers under Rhule thing to do. Rhule's and Fitt's end of season pressers gave hints they were ok with him as the LT next season. Kiper saying tackle means the Panthers won't pick one.
  6. I'd pass. I'm not a fan, but if they wanted to trade Embiid then we could talk.
  7. Hopefully this crushes those rumors or at least the hope people had. We're stuck with Rhule for at least another year or two. Of course, they want him back. He's not that good. Que even more Watson rumors and threads. Making Darnold the NFL's most expensive backup is just the most Panthers thing to do. Throwing ever more on the pile of dead money is the Panthers' way.
  8. Live by the 3, die by the 3. At least Bouk got some good minutes tonight. On to the Raptors.
  9. JB is saying Bouk and Thor could see minutes tonight on the preshow.
  10. True, but going off how JB has generally played vets and rookies in the past, I give the odds to Ish.
  11. If the team loses, we know the reason Just kidding.
  12. Ish would probably play instead of Bouknight.
  13. Yep. More minutes for Oubre and Washington with Richards maybe getting a few if Plumlee gets in foul trouble.
  14. I said before the season that Darnold was worth a shot with better coaching and Oline. Little did I know then that the Panthers were going to be as bad as they are and that Rhule just isn't an NFL coach. I was wrong about Darnold, and the Panthers would have been better off keeping the picks.
  15. Today's game should be good. Also, JJ Redick is digging the Hornets. JJ Redick on Twitter- -Just putting this out there- Hornets 10-3 in last 13 (T-2nd best rec in NBA during that span) and @T_R.url
  16. I wouldn't say the Davis experiment has failed yet. The last few years of Williams didn't leave him a lot of good/great players as it seemed to me that Roy was fine letting the top recruits go to others schools to be one and done in favor of guys that would be at UNC for 3-4 years. Now, I don't have any insider info, that's just how it looked from the outside looking in. It'll take a couple years for him to build the program back up and put his mark on it. So, he'll get 2-3 years and if he hasn't shown any improvement, he'll get axed just like the guy that followed Smith did since the boosters and alumni will not stand for all the losing.
  17. Yeah, not having at least an average PG is not something I expected from UNC.
  18. Heels have been blown out by Wake tonight. Wake hasn't beaten UNC in two years either.
  19. I want to see them win a playoff series. I saw a lot of folks saying the Hornets would take a step back this year after losing Graham and Monk. They haven't though. If anything, they've improved.
  20. Don't care enough to hate the team. I've been watching for the laughs the last three years or so.
  21. Good win. It's nice seeing the Hornets handle the teams they should be handling unlike that Magic game.
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