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About jayboogieman

  • Birthday 04/09/1974

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  1. Take your fanboyism out of it. UNC hasn't gotten top recruits for years. UNC wants guys that'll be there over the long haul, but those top 1 and done guys want to go to the NBA pipeline schools and since NIL and the portal, those schools willing to pony up the most cash.
  2. Top guys aren't interested in UNC. They're interested in the NBA factory schools such as Duke, Kentucky, etc and whoever offers them the most NIL money. And that's not UNC in both cases. UNC has coasted on their history and being MJ's school for years. And that just doesn't work in this era.
  3. A properly used TE can be the #1 option. See those Brady led Pats teams from a few years ago as examples 1-3.
  4. Not bad, but I'd rather use a 6th or 7th rounder on one of the college kids and giving them a go.
  5. I'm all for taking Warren at 8, but I doubt the team would do it. The Huddle losing their mind would just be the icing on the cake.
  6. Take kicker off the boards
  7. The lack of starting caliber bigs hurt UNC in this one.
  8. Mediocrity has been the norm for UNC basketball for a few years now too.
  9. Lord have mercy. This game is so bad they're spending time showing the football coach getting his picture taken with former Clemson basketball players.
  10. Don't count your chickens yet. UNC is the same school that kept Mack around long after his sale by date.
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