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About jayboogieman

  • Birthday 04/09/1974

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  1. The team let go of most of its talent for various reasons and really hasn't replaced it yet despite a multi year rebuild that started under Rhule. The team hasn't had a winning season in years and is coming off a 2 win season. So, yeah, they suck. The GM isn't a great public speaker and doesn't excite people either. What else do you expect?
  2. They need to worry about getting quality starters and backups in place instead of worrying about churning the bottom of the roster. The names may have changed, but it appears the FO's mindset hasn't.
  3. As I stated in another post, the Panthers aren't a smart, well run team.
  4. Not smart, well run teams unless they're set everywhere else and can afford the luxury. And the Panthers aren't that.
  5. Once again, not true. I don't make a single penny off any video I've posted here. But carry one believing what you want
  6. They mean should he be extended now, without ever having played a down. They mention the exploding WR market as the reason for asking this.
  7. I'm sure most people would be happy to have that after all the previous years under Tepper. Five winning seasons in a row plus 4 years of playoffs is a lot better than what the Panthers have done since the last SB appearance.
  8. Not true. If you don't like what I post, don't open the threads, don't read the posts, or put me on block so you don't have to see it.
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