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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Old man Gibson still got a little left in him. He's played nice defense for the most part tonight
  2. Mann seems to have cooled off a lot the last couple of games. Bridges has decided to try tonight. Guess he wants to beat his hometown team.
  3. Just noticed the Hornets are using a clip of Big Pat saying defense and then have the new guy shout it after.
  4. Williams isn't a PG and he keeps bringing the ball up the court.
  5. Ball seems to have regressed. He's playing sloppy as can be when it comes to passes and jacks up super quick shots early in the shot clock that he often misses.
  6. Way too much standing around and watching a guy play iso
  7. Miller is starting to heat up from 3
  8. Cunningham is doing what he wants
  9. Old man Gibson with a couple of nice defensive plays
  10. Yep, but it's in the pre production stage. Hopefully, it never makes it to actual filming.
  11. About which part of the post? Blazing Saddles would get made today and be a vastly different movie if the studios thought it would make money. And considering Brooks' age, he wouldn't be the writer, so not as funny. As for the Space Balls sequel, Brooks isn't writing it. He's getting paid for his name and a producer credit. Josh Gad and two-three others are writing it, so yeah, it's not going to be that funny.
  12. https://twitter.com/hornets/status/1853916522885869733
  13. It would get made today. It would just be a lot worse. And this is why I'm not looking forward to the Space Balls sequel that was announced a few weeks ago.
  14. This isn't the flex you think it is. It just shows Jones sucks and doesn't have an eye for talent. And that should make you think twice about crowning Brooks. I mean if Jones wanted him...
  15. No idea, but I loved how he lowered the shoulder on that first down run a few plays ago.
  16. Another thing you might not be considering is the beating he's going to take in the NFL vs college. And that's on top of the beating his body has taken so far. Trying to play both ways in the NFL might see his career end before his rookie contract does.
  17. Not with rookie scale contracts he won't. And banking on doing so 4-5 years in the future is dumb.
  18. The thing is, he's not going to get paid more for being a 2 way player. So, there's no real incentive to do so except ego. And as you said, the NFL isn't going to give in to that.
  19. Welp, that's game. Florida's third string QB threw a pick and all Georgia has to do now is run out the clock.
  20. Yeah, that's bad. And I can't think of another player that has done that sort of thing before. Florida and Georgia are still exchanging body blows. The dogs just went up a TD again.
  21. This is already getting out of hand. Thank goodness there's some college football on.
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