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Everything posted by CatsMeow

  1. Me neither. Listening to "All Along the Watchtower" right now.
  2. Hey there. Just tired of all the stoner talk. Not really my thing. How's it going with you?

  3. I guarantee you, she has no idea what she is typing.
  4. That's a smart baby! (And a future criminal.)
  5. Grits, it's SHOCKING that you were the one to post this.
  6. I'm not so sure the one on the stretcher is "dressed up" out the ordinary for him/her.
  7. What the hell is going on in that picture? You have backwards asses, crying bunnies and Oompa Loompas.
  8. I didn't know the ZZ Top guys were in the military.
  9. I love your profile pic, too. Gorgeous eyes!

  10. Hey there, Sam. You look so different from your movies. :)

  11. Bow chicka bow bow. ;)

  12. I WEEP for our future. And they even have the little chubby one playing Snookie.
  13. Can I only vote once? :)

  14. Dammit! What do I do now???

  15. Thanks. You're welcome to borrow them sometime, if you want. :)

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