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Everything posted by stirs

  1. Nice to be reminded of the Tinderbox every now and then
  2. The point I am making is that the hospitals are packed full of the "at risk" folks. The social distancing does not work when grandparents spend all their time with family, even in groups under 10. If the 65 and up and at risk folks were quarantined and not getting this virus, the rest of the country could most likely work and serve the at risk folks. There might be people that are not at risk going to the hospital, but the system should be able to handle them, not unlike the flu each season. Families would be impacted however by not being able to spend time with the elderly, might even seem cruel, but would not end up in a funeral. You still social distance, AND you put out the testing for antibodies to know who has already had it. The normal testing seems kind of stupid now. If 50% of the people that had it didn't even know? What about the ones getting tested and negative, do they come back every week until they finally test positive? Just seems like it is good for building a database of where the outbreaks are, but not much in stopping it.
  3. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/confirmed-coronavirus-cases-almost-meaningless-123550415.html Probably at least another 100k cases out there and not reported. I still think like I did way back, like 50 or 60 pages ago, that if we know who this affects, then quarantine them, and stop trying to lockdown the country. It has not worked anywhere. We are locking down the entire economy to protect certain vulnerable groups. Make the guidelines for everyone, but sooooo many people who cough a day or two and are over it. Others 50%, have no symptoms at all. Getting the test out there to see who has had it would be helpful. Let them go back to work, volunteer, etc. Would ease the burden on every sector of society. Not sure what the rush to test everyone will accomplish in the end.
  4. Tons of crazy people in China who did disgusting stuff. Lunatics span every border
  5. There was some inference about Tylenol being favored for fever in this situation. Nothing nailed down as to why, but I got that reading from the press conference and Fauci's answer to the question. It was about 5 or 6 days ago
  6. Can't wait for the explanation on this one. Please, no Twitter
  7. Nope, just seasonal. This year is between 20k and 40k. Most estimates by CDC are in the 24k range minimum.
  8. As it should be. Nobody needs 4 million rolls of TP in their basement, just the ability to get them if needed.
  9. World coronavirus total death 24000 Seasonal flu in US 24000 US coronavirus 1300
  10. We have discussed this many times in this thread. Dr Burks said the other day that the media and their doomsday reporting were scaring people sans facts. Clicks are kings to a stupid, reactionary public
  11. And unless all the reports are wrong, the entire count of death due to coronavirus in the entire world so far, just caught up yesterday to what we here in the US have lost already this seasonal flu season for 2019-2020
  12. Real Question Has anyone actually ran out these things yet? Or, just don't have as many on hand as they would like at this point? Most seem to be directing as needed, mostly to NY
  13. No, just the "uneducated" like myself from a failed school system could ever question deaths of 1.7 million.
  14. BREAKING Just wanted to say it, cause, it's cool
  15. NYC numbers still rising, but at much slower rate now
  16. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/09/813641072/u-s-flu-season-beginning-to-ease-modelers-say So, if I am reading this correctly, the entire world deaths from Coronavirus so far (23,000), is just now catching up to the US death toll from seasonal flu? Maybe I am reading it wrong. Is that what you guys are reading?
  17. NYC, by its design, is set up perfectly for a pandemic. It cannot change its DNA, but that "gateway" to the US, where people come in and out from every country on earth, and the fact that it is soooo heavily populated in such a small space. It is by design, a pandemic nightmare. Not throwing shade toward them, just that when something like this comes along, there is nothing you can do about it, period. Great place to visit for sure because of all the culture, but tracking where in the world it might be coming in from is impossible. https://www.foxnews.com/us/de-blasio-warns-half-new-york-coronavirus I would say, more like 70%. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
  18. China warning countries that when you start to relax things, to keep your borders closed as they have foreigners bringing in virus, again. We might be good within the country at some point, but not sure we will "open" up the country again for a bit longer
  19. Spoke too soon, NY just popped from 14 to 95. Guess they just reported at day end. Little better than yesterday. Hope it continues to go down each day
  20. Huddle members will not experience coronavirus. They have been self isolating for years.
  21. Thought I'd keep up the hair theme
  22. Just think how grumpy this crowd will be in a week with cabin fever
  23. The Red will be knocking on your door shortly.
  24. Dr Burks (spelling?) made some interesting observations on how the media was reporting. Basically said they were scaring people by not being fair with the numbers. Giving death and virus case estimates based on worst case scenarios, where nothing is done at all to stop it, and over 3 seasons of the virus, was not doing much but scaring folks. Nothing like what they were presenting was going to happen. She does not understand however, that clicks and scary things sell. If there is panic, then more stories can be written, more clicks, more money, etc.
  25. He will put a paper towel over the end
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