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Status Updates posted by Hawk

  1. suppose so! I'm sure the world will rejoice!

  2. ya never know I suppose!!! would be nice to get some rules and norms set around here though! thanks for not sending rep...fuger

  3. think so...who knows...next time don't blame it on boo....man up for fug's sakes!!!! PS....your avvie has lovely breasts

  4. happy birthday you low life rams fan! off to start thread now

  5. lol...by definition..yes!!! hope all is well with you and your family

  6. used to be, back when you were a giver...now it's just take take take

  7. no denying who the biggest ***** is!!! biscuit gets it for tits...you get it cuz you're a *****

  8. figured you would...it was a good thread! tits always help...in fact, I wish I was smothered in them right now!!!!

  9. I really wanted to be the first to 200,000, but you posted all those tits and beat me!!!! Now I'm sad

  10. birthdays are a wonderful thing no?!!!! too bad we only have one each year

  11. hahahahahaha....probably not!!! Are they both the same way or do you carry one hairy, one waxed?

  12. I'm sure all is well!!!

  13. that did sound pretty ghey! cute pic btw, other than the ugly guy

  14. rep....not pie!!!!!!

  15. ya, that might take a little time...as long as you don't overdue it!!!

  16. sweet!!! well, hopefully this is the last time you have to deal with it for a while!!!

  17. nothing makes me sadder than reading that!!!! How are you doing? How's that wing?

  18. no, I can't blame you there at all.

  19. dayum...that don't sound like much fun...sorry to hear it. But if it's going to make it better in the long run, your choices are limited.

  20. noooooo....don't say that...I live for rep!!! Not much buddy...in another cold spell that is supposed to end right away. Other than that, going to be reffing many hours in the upcoming world's longest hockey game which is being played near my home, 40 guys, 240 hours!!! Woohoo. And you? ps...I'd like to rep the hell out of your avvie!!!!

  21. yes...it is her in the avie!!!!

  22. you will probably give me an infection!!!! now send rep....immediately

  23. boo is calling you in the speaking of meat thread....rapid response is required

  24. because, I'm sad that you aren't posting

  25. you don't have to cry, I was just playing!

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