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Pejorative Miscreant

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Posts posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. 4 hours ago, frankw said:


    But we don't need to chase any FA quarterbacks. Keep drafting one early and maybe even one in the late rounds until you hit it's that simple.

    This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

    • Beer 1
  2. 8 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    Mentally, it takes years to get over the death of a parent when you are young--and he lost 2 within 4 years.  Personally, I lost both of my parents in a span of 10 months--and you think you are fine, but you are devastated.  From a football perspective, Legette's time came and he made the most of it--but there are a lot of factors that could contribute to the reason he struggled--people develop at different rates and some are late bloomers.  QBs may have a favorite and if it isn't you, they might diminish your opportunities.  I think Legette has the ability to be as good as any WR in this draft, but he is probably an early second round grade at this time.  His upside (along with Mitchell from Texas) is off the charts.

    I haven’t kept up much with the background of our draft picks.  I knew he lost his father but was not aware his mother had passed also.  That along with Transitioning to college and the position switch makes the late break thru more understandable.  Basically a kid and was able to overcome so much and now he’s a first round draft pick.  He’s gonna be an easy guy to root for.  

    • Pie 2
  3. Seems to appreciate guys and be a guy that the players will like playing for. Also built a staff that is aligned rather than a brain trust. The coach speak is still coach speak but comes across like he gives you more insight. So yes, I think a different vibe.  

    That said, they still need to execute and the moment there is a sighting of a DBO sign all bets are off.  

    • Flames 1
  4. 6 hours ago, BeenPounding said:

    Man.... you all have been ruined by Rhule and Fitt.  Take a moment to look back at areas where we improved and try to grasp on a glimmer of hope and optimism....

    Week 18: Jan. 4 or 5 at Atlanta (L) 9 - 8

    • Falcons win the division.  We show improvement from much better coaching and offensive line play.  The Huddle is calms down, but like always is not happy.

    Full League Prediction:


    Prepare the poop emojis!!!!!

    I pie this post not because I agree with it but because I appreciate the optimism

    31 minutes ago, ProcessBlue2 said:

    I'm too lazy to make my own format so I am stealing yours.

    Panthers finish 6-11. Dalton's mediocre performance shows just how bad Young really was. Panthers start the search for the next QB.


    I pie this post not because I like it but because I think this is quite a likely scenario unfortunately.

    Thanks for posting these without dragging down people that disagree in the process. 


    • Pie 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Navy_football said:

    So much confirmation bias with you guys. Not even an attempt to be objective. Not even trying. Like the guy said earlier. If you don't like the QB, just say so. Then don't get on the bandwagon if he turns into the guy. No take backs. Line in the sand. 

    It’s hard to be objective on such a polarizing topic.  Half the time I want to stick up for Bryce cause he’s being relentlessly flogged and beaten like a drum . Then half the time I want to hate on him because people are making him out to be a victim like he’s a mistreated blind puppy with a Sarah McLachlan song playing in the background.

    The other half of the time I just say fug it. 

    • Pie 2
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  6. 44 minutes ago, KatsAzz said:

    I don't expect Bryce Young to set the N.F.L. on fire this season but any improvement would be welcome at this point in his career.

    I think there needs to be dramatic improvement but agree. If you can’t come out of the season with a case that he belongs you need to start looking elsewhere. Not writing him off by any means but there are serious doubts that are bluntly expressed on this board and can’t imagine those are just confined to fans.  

  7. No matter what the conclusion/opinion/mindset we have regarding BY he is here and going to begin the year as QB1.  Nothing I type is going to change that. In paper the organization did a nice job of acquiring personnel that should be able to help a young QB transition and improve.  If our young QB does not transition or improve then we need to find another QB. 

    I hope BY is the answer but if not they  need to pivot. 

    • Beer 1
  8. 1 hour ago, mc52beast said:

    It’s probably been said 1000 times but I’ll say it again; you really can’t grade Bryce based on last years clown show. We now have a much better o-line, much better receivers and hopefully much better coaching. Let’s see what Bryce can do THIS year and then grade him.

    I think you have a very valid point.  I am a panther fan and hope he/they show signs of righting the ship.  We should be able to see if there is progress.  Cant unsee last season though and no matter what that is going to be on everyone's mind.  

  9. On 3/27/2024 at 1:16 PM, rayzor said:

    only experience i had living with one was a roommate had one as a puppy and it tore everything apart. of course he said he picked the most hyper one of the litter because he thought it meant it would be smarter. 

    and then he left it inside for hours on end while he went to school, work, and then hung out with his fiance. 

    i wasn't unhappy when he got married and moved out with the dog. 

    i'm sure others have had a better experience than me.

    They are smart but they are terrors when they are young.  I crate train mine so he stays in a safe space lace for him and everyone else. 9 years later he still loves the crate. It takes a lot more f consistency and discipline but they are lovely companions 

  10. 6 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    I think people with extreme level of pessimism are very cynical when someone shares an optimistic view of anything.  Instead of trying to break out of it, they try to drag people down into their worlds.  Being right becomes more important that the outcome.  For example, if someone predicts that a plane would crash and it crashes, they would become euphoric and proud of themselves. 

    Very true. I think (don’t hold me to the exact stat) that only 10% of draft picks end up being considered upgrades/legitimate help for a team. If that stat holds true 90% of the time the pessimist has an argument that he/she is right.   That usually comes in the form of “I told you so”  

    That said, I applaud anyone coming in here  trying to be optimistic even when/if I think they may be a bit unrealistic. I think that is a facet of fandom. 

    • Pie 1
  11. My perception/opinion of the draft based on a few categories.  Solid draft in my opinion. 

    Addressing need with perceived roster upgrade:  A

    Got WR the team desperately needed, a solid pass catching RB and upgraded TE and LB positions with what could be contributors. 

    Value of players drafted: B-

    My non-expert ignorant opinion on Legette is he was a bit of a reach.  Full disclosure though, I thought Adonai Mitchell and Jackson Powers Johnson were solid first rounders and a lot of GM's and scouts disagreed.    Brooks being hurt is a question mark/flag for me. 

    Draft savvy:  A+

    Moving up to first for the 5th year option was a smart move with little to no downside.  After that Morgan basically stole a 2nd round pick next year and still got his guy in the process.  Also seems to have kept consistency with that "dawg" mentality the FO has been pushing.

    • Pie 1
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  12. 6 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    Mock drafting judgments. I hate mock drafting takes. Anyone who does a mock draft thinks their an expert.  Mock draft my ass.

    I’ve done mock drafts since forever and the one thing I can say for certainty is they never ever work out that way in real life.  The only thing useful in a mock is you learn a little about some players but no where near enough to claim you are an expert.  

    • Pie 4
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  13. 1 minute ago, Mother Grabber said:

    picks being bizarre or unexpected sound a lot like Morgan and team did a whole lot more homework on these prospects than you did.

    Nah. I did 20 or so mock draft simulators and watched a ton of film  (i.e. YouTube highlight reels). All these guys were reaches.  

    Seriously though, the rankings we see from the media is just speculation. Gotta see how this plays out.  

    • Pie 7
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  14. 1 hour ago, theguy said:

    Maybe an outlier opinion, but Scott Fowler needs to grow up.  That piece reads like amateur hour mud slinging.

    Starts the story off by talking about something he was doing.   Leading with the "I" thing can be a hook but in Fowler's case it seems like everything wants to evolve around him.  Middle class narcissist upset with a billionaire narcissist.  Ended up skimming rather than reading.  Sorry I even clicked it TBH

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