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Pejorative Miscreant

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Everything posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. A bad day to have a bad day. if he can coach and can be successful this matters zero. Best of luck to him.
  2. If they are looping last seasons games on a board somewhere I hope it’s all of them.
  3. Well that just means we are gonna be twice as good as we were last year…
  4. One comment stood out to me “on Sundays when 60,000 people are watching” If the team is like last year I don’t think this is accurrate.
  5. Only possible reason I can think of is Cam’s wedding attire would overshadow any bride. Not intentionally but it would overshadow all the same.
  6. I was today years old when I found out the CW had an NFL show. I may check this out some time. Thanks for posting.
  7. Not sure of pee pee size but I hear DT has a gigantic set of balls. on his desk…
  8. The team is built to excel and achieve mediocrity (6-7ish wins and competitive in a few more) if you have a viable QB. If u don’t have a viable qb you will find out soon, the team will flounder and the organization will act accordingly. I hope… not bashing Bryce and not trying to coddle him. Just speaking my opinion.
  9. Extremely sad when a young person with their full life ahead of them dies. RIP
  10. Steve Smith in his prime would have ruined many players on last year's team. Not throwing shade at Smitty but he would have made grown men cry. Expects more than mediocrity and that Panther team was well south of that. Doesn't seem to be the kinda guy to hold things in.
  11. I think 6 or 7 wins would be considered a successful season and something to build on.
  12. Yep. Not much more to say than this. Bryce gets a chance and as a fan, I hope he succeeds. If not, find another guy.
  13. Ebenezer Tepper buys an island and he brings all the misfit toys there.
  14. He’s stolen more than just the spotlight. Dude has 5 fingered a lot of game checks too.
  15. I think he’s complaining about people complaining. I personally want to complain about people telling me what I should or shouldn’t complain about.
  16. I think both of these things are true. In neutral situations he is probably an ok guy to shoot the breeze with. But anything to do with business he has to be alpha douche.
  17. This post makes me chuckle. I’d love for XL to do this and go on a tangent about a horse story from back home or something. To the point of the original post, i think Theilin is doing the correct thing as an vet and propping up his QB. It’s off season fluff for sure but yeah I get it.
  18. The Outlaw Josey Wales is an underrated movie IMO. Worth a watch
  19. I am not sure if it’s conspiracy or practical logic. It’s been said by several on this board before. Built a roster with tools to help a young qb flourish. Now it’s up to the young QB. I hope it works out but if not you have to take another swing in the draft.
  20. Yeah. I don’t think too many billionaire CEO types tell people to just pretend I’m not here. The production makes it look like Morgan got who he wanted and the moves were calculated. Long term we will see how those moves work out. Fun watch.
  21. Spot on. A great mechanic can hot rod a dodge dart. But after they finish, it’s still gonna be a dodge dart.
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