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Everything posted by MGH1989

  1. Cleveland fans show up every game and they have sucked for basically their whole existence.
  2. This fuging fanbase. Sick of these opposing fans taking over our house. Has happened for 30 years.
  3. Even the commentators see we are vanilla and don't run anything deep. How does the coaching staff not do a damn thing.
  4. If we were even in a position to draft a QB it would be the USC kid. Don’t be a UNC homer.
  5. How do you expect the rookie to flourish when the play calling constantly results in third and longs. fuging throw on first down once in a while.
  6. Should have made the Rhule offer to Ben Johnson.
  7. My beige flag is I tune in every Sunday expecting the offense to turn into the 2023 Dolphins.
  8. The worst part about Frank is he has that Fox Rivera demeanor where he doesn’t seem to care and every question about concerns of any sort are answered in platitudes.
  9. Your eyes are blind if you’re blaming Bryce for an immediate bum rush up the center.
  10. Dumb fuging comment. Criticize Bryce when deserves it, but don’t make poo up to push your narrative.
  11. He literally mad every correct read on that drive and the screen is a quick pass. Play calling all on Frank.
  12. You say you trust your rookie QB but you throw a screen on 3rd and goal 8 yards away. Ridiculous play calling.
  13. Way too much purple. It’s pathetic this still happens after 30 years.
  14. Would be nice to have DBs who don’t poo their pants on deep balls.
  15. I think it’s fair to criticize him. He is clearly smart and has great acumen, which makes his struggles surprising. I also think there has been some signs of good play. Like you said the context also matters and he just has not had the support that anyone expected. It sucks, but it’s gonna take time.
  16. Like is said in my earlier post. I think he is hesitant to rip it on the first or second read in part due to lack of separation. That’s normal rookie stuff. Not Sam Darnold I’m seeing ghosts. That’s just an over exaggeration in my opinion.
  17. He did that because he was looking at the defense. Miles Sanders even said as much. It’s happened before. You’re putting way too much stock in that one moment.
  18. It hasn’t been great and he is clearly sped up, but I did not see anything near seeing ghosts.
  19. It can’t be said enough and I think posters keep losing sight of this, he is a rookie. Of course a decade long vet is going to get the ball out faster. The other issue I think is that Bryce is over processing. He is going through his reads because he isn’t trusting the first or second or even third and the protection just won’t hold up that long. Dalton had considerably more urgency to trust the first read and get it out this past weekend.
  20. Everything is connected. O-line can't run block anymore Offense isn't productive on 1st or second down Offense is in too many 3rd and long situations O-line can't protect on 3rd and long Receivers cannot separate Rinse repeat Factor in questionable play calling and the inability to get chunk plays and it just one big recipe for disaster.
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