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Status Updates posted by twylyght

  1. Still check in for some stupid reason.... the deaths part you mentioned regarding COVID is more meaningful because FL has the 2nd oldest populace behind AZ.  Hence, even with a more vulnerable collection, they fall in line even when they should be way above the others.

    Masks and the like?  Everyone cites the Bangladesh study for some reason.  It's never been replicated and the sample size is small.  The Danish study is more robust, and at best cites a statistical difference for up to 15% in people that are symptomatic.  Aside from that, the type of mask that most wear effectively do nothing.

    Lastly, lots of people rail against Dr Paul, but he's right regarding natural immunity.  The Israeli study with a solid methodology cites superior immunity for far longer stretches of time when compared to just vaccinated populations.  There is a bump for those that had previous infections and then get vaccines after the fact with respect to resistance and less symptoms.

    Merck is a complete train wreck that is looking to be on par with thalidomide.  

    Lastly, seeing Warren rail against Kroger for price gouging (when they report a 1.95% margin for last year) when compared to pharmaceutical companies increasing their margins by up to 25% due solely to federal monies and FDA bypasses is just maddening.  

    I often wondered how hysterical times played out when reading about such things in history.  Now, I can see better having witnessed this unfold first-hand.  30 years from now, people will look back on this time and wonder what the hell happened.

    1. stirs


      Too much time at home in my office, so I guess between calls and Zoom and such, I flip over to see what craziness is afoot in the social justice section of the Huddle.

      Some guy named Bama Panther posts and is about the only other libertarian type voice on the entire site.

      Worse than ever.  No discussions of theory, or brainstorming.  Just identity politics run amok and name calling. Funny, but some call me names one day and post the same things a month later once CNN affirms it for them.  Real visionaries

      Miss seeing you post here.  Hope you and yours are doing well

  2. Been checkin the posts for a while man. Feelin the love for the Wake alum!

  3. Not that you need any prodding to get back to that cesspool TB, but here ya go


    Seriously, we're getting dumber by having visited that place

  4. Guess I should check my messages more often... I have no idea who the pic is of... I just googled "chicks with guns" and that won the prize

  5. Much obliged for the compliment MPF. I am diggin yours as well. What part of the mountains do you hail from? I am originally from Jefferson myself.

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