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Everything posted by TNPanther

  1. He could only catch the ball when defenders gave him a cush-ion
  2. The brewery scene is a definite must - check out NODA, Birdsong, and Olde Mecklenburg. None of them will disappoint. If you have the time, definitely do the Brews Cruise. As much as it pains me to say, avoid the epicentre. It is completely overrated and overpriced. The only decent bar there is Tin Roof. Since you've already been to Mac's (which IMO is the best bbq in Charlotte) make a trip over to Bad Daddy's on East Blvd. Best burger your taste buds will have the pleasure of experiencing.
  3. Wallet is always in right ass pocket, keys in right thigh pocket, phone in left. The savings account can only be stockpiled in $100 increments. I.e., the value of the account must always end in 00. The shirts in my closet must be organized by type, like by button down then collared etc.
  4. Can't decide what's better, kelvin or that Bimmer 5 series
  5. What's funny about this is Pizza Hut and KFC are under the same parent company.
  6. JJ and Zac Brown are best friends.... Hard to believe this isn't staged.
  7. Here's the neighborhood where I currently live.... and here's the whole city from afar. (ignore the Home Depot to the bottom left)
  8. Be yourself. Don't talk too much. And relax. That's the strategy I used over the past year and I have secured a great starting job because of it. I also did use a work sample in the form of a project scope statement, but edited out bits of confidential information such as number figures and part descriptions. I don't think showing them evidence in paper form will hurt you as long as there isn't anything too specific on there. However some of these guys in this thread are hiring managers and know much better than I do as a soon to be college grad.
  9. I think I got a tan from all the heat in this thread. Not a single Jimmy hasn't been rustled.
  10. http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2015/story/_/id/12739843/jameis-winston-florida-state-seminoles-says-crab-legs-were-given-not-stolen
  11. I am thinking of getting a condo or apartment in Buckhead, as it is a good community for yuppies like me and a lot of the places there aren't too badly priced. It would make my commute to work (which is right by where they are building the new Braves stadium) about 20 minutes. However, this would be a reverse commute. Good idea or no?
  12. I just got my first big boy job offer and plan to accept it. The company is in northwest Atlanta. I've heard good and bad things about living there and obviously I like Charlotte better for a variety of reasons including the Panthers. Anybody have any tips/advice for someone moving and living in ATL for the first time? Inb4 it's a shithole, run away, etc...
  13. I wonder which Staph members will be held liable.
  14. I Sighed when I read the title...Very appropriate ^edit: wizard
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