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Posts posted by thefuzz

  1. 10 minutes ago, WUnderhill said:

    I’m generally against breaching contracts. However, contracts usually include whatever penalty or recourse there is for breaching, so as long as the breaching party pays the damages or whatever it is without making everybody pay attorneys fees and whatnot for a judge to enforce the contract then it’s whatever. In the case of NFL players the only time it really feels slimy is when a player signs a long term deal and then wants to renegotiate before the end of the deal just because other salaries have gone up or the market has changed (see Zack Martin). Like you wanted the long term deal for security and the team wanted it to have a more team friendly contract at the end. If you wanted to renegotiate in a few years you should have signed a shorter contract.

    This is why I'm against it.

    You either want the most you can get, or you want long term security...but both typically don't play well in the sandbox together.

    Either Kirk Cousins your contracts, or you can "be the highest paid X in the league" your contracts.

    With 1st round rookies I can sort of have a different tune, as they are pretty much slotted, but then again, the team just made a MASSIVE investment in you, and likely liked you so much they locked in your 5th year option.

    End of the day, know what each party can, and cannot do before signing your name.  That goes for military, mortgage, NFL, or your own job.

    • Pie 2
  2. On 9/4/2023 at 12:12 PM, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

    I've never understood the appeal, and that's with 36 years living on them before I moved to the concrete jungle. Sure, they can look pretty ... but be real, how often do you actually "use" your front lawn? Back lawn, maybe a BBQ here and there. Kids birthday party if you have a pool. Soccer/baseball training for a teen. But really ... what's the point of some massive lawn?

    I use my yard every single day of the year. 

    Grow blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes, herb garden.  My son has a swingset, and he "mows" along side of me, or rides with me on my Deere.  Have raised veggie garden as well.

    We have a huge deck with multiple seating and dining locations as well as a built in kitchen with flat top, Kamado, and bayou deep fryer.

    So...yea....there is a point to them, and they do get used by folks who don't like to be inside.

  3. 38 minutes ago, CarolinaRideorDie said:

    Frank Reich also has no excuses to not perform well anymore too. Outside of having Andrew Luck, he's been handicapped with poor QBs. He now has the staff that he has chosen, the QB he has chosen, and an owner who has given him all that he needs to succeed. If he doesn't succeed here in Carolina, he may never get a chance at a HC gig anymore in the future. 

    He's had good QB's, but they were so long in the tooth they couldn't overcome a lacking roster.

    Rivers and Ryan are edge HOF guys, but they both needed to be paired with strong defenses and great running games to succeed.  Didn't work.

    Funny thing I heard the other day, and no clue where I heard it, but word was Shanny was going to pull Rivers in if SF made it to the Super Bowl last year.  Would have been a WILD story.

  4. 2 hours ago, CRA said:

    probably, and then factor in the schedule....it sort of sets up for a slow start for rookie QB, new team, etc.   

    Before the bye 4 of the 6 are on the road.  4 of the 6 had winning record and all return their QBs.  The are 2 our divisional games but the standard divisional factor probably doesn't really apply there given the newness of the teams involved. 

    Missed a sentence in your post.



  5. 11 hours ago, OnlyPantherFaninMaine said:

    So when this whole framing process began, my builder told me his labor costs were directly tied to the cost of the lumber. He quoted me and charged me at 2X the lumber cost. 

    Today I was reimbursed just under $500 by the lumber company for the lumber that was not used and returned. Am I in my right to follow back up with the builder and ask if I am now owed back close to $1000? If his labor costs are truly tied to the lumber at 2X, this seems to make perfect sense to me and is what agreed upon. Yay or nay?

    @LinvilleGorge @thefuzz @Floppin

    I don’t want to fracture our relationship but it was his words mine about labor costs being determined by the lumber cost. 

    You can ask, but I wouldn't.  It looks/seems like he did a good job for you.  Were I in your shoes, I'd rather eat the 1k possible upside, and have a good builder/GC/handyman in my rolodex.


  6. Ah, one of my favorites.  Waking a buddy up in the middle of the night and telling him and his parents to grab as much as they could carry, and go get in the bucket of a front end loader out front.

    Water was 2' deep in his house while they slept, and it was rising 1' per hour.  They were the lucky ones.


    Next morning I was running a jon boat down the highway in 8 feet of water, hit the top of a Ford Excursion that had been left during flooding.  No idea if the owners made it.  I still can't believe that Eastern NC looked the way it did.

  7. 17 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    What hurricane was the most memorable to you?


    I have 2, hurricane Floyd in 1999 and hurricane Florence in 2018.


    I remember FIoyd was a kid. All I remember is my family huddled together in the highschool basketball gym. It was crowded and people were hot. Don't remember how long we stayed in there but I remember the first time my family having to evacuate to another place during a hurricane.


    Florence sticks out because of how long it stayed over NC just producing massive amounts of rain. Felt like the longest hurricane I ever experienced.


    Got a LONG list of memorable ones, but Floyd and Fran were the worst.  Carnage.

    I've lived at the beach my entire life (other than college), and I've been here for all of them, never evacuated.  Also was a firefighter, so never could evacuate if I wanted to.

    4 feet of water in my house in Bertha, fixed it up, and 6 feet in Fran a few weeks later.  Rescued families off their rooftops in boats during Floyd.  Slept in a bank vault overnight at Wrightsville Beach during one of them.  Knocking on every door for mandatory evacuation, fighting fire in the middle of the night during 100 mph winds, going 14 days with no power.

    Yea, I've got some memories of those GD things.  This afternoon I'll fill up 30 gallons worth of gas cans, and change the oil in the generator.  I usually do it every Aug 15, but got busy last week.

    • Pie 1
  8. On 8/18/2023 at 3:58 PM, LinvilleGorge said:

    FYI, Food Lion has their whole pork butts on sale for 99 cents per pound right now. I always buy my yearly supply when they do this. Just chunk them in my chest freezer.

    Will stop by on the way home, TY sir.

  9. On 7/5/2023 at 4:49 PM, rayzor said:

    My go to sauces




    My kids like Sweet Baby Ray's original. It's ok (kind of boring), but for pork or chicken over a pit it's got to be vinegar based with a serious kick.

    I do enjoy smoked pork done well without sauce, but I really love that spicy vinegar tang.

    Not a fan of sweet sauces at all.

    If ya like these, and I do...start playing around with making your own.  About all I do now, and I can tweak it depending on guests, and meat.

  10. 23 hours ago, OnlyPantherFaninMaine said:


    Thoughts on this quote? Any insight is greatly appreciated! 

    Tough to say.  My guys are some of the best I've ever seen, and I've been in housing for 20 years....but they are expensive and slow.

    That sounds a bit high to me, but not out of bounds if they do a great job.  Get the specs on the insulation as well.

    Is it wired yet?  If not pull you some 20's.

  11. Had Carr not signed in NO, I think this team had as good of a shot as any of the other 3 to make the playoffs....and immediately get embarrassed.


    Now, I think NO walks away with it if they can stay relatively healthy.

    Just show promise, and keep BY from getting killed.  All I want.

    • Pie 1
  12. Watched the offense with BY in there just now.


    OL isn't playing up to their standard, but not the end of the world either, this can be fixed with playing time.  Young looked better, and you can see that we have some guys who can play at wideout, but no real play makers....maybe Chark can stay healthy and the OL can protect a little better...that could be some big plays waiting to happen.  Maybe.

    I think the Offense will look better with Miles in there, and I bet we rely heavily on the screen game this year, could be why the OL looks so weird right now?  Who knows.

    I think this can be a .500 team, and to be honest, I'd be happy with that, so long as we improve through the season.  Our schedule looks tough to me, but you never really know what teams will look like until a few games in.

    I'm worried about the constant pressure on BY, that's the only thing that really concerns me at this point. 

    The rest is just fluff.

  13. 3 hours ago, OnlyPantherFaninMaine said:

    Framing has commenced in the basement - he’s here now with one other guy to assist. I am working in the home office above. Let’s hope this goes well. He builds very large and nice houses in this area so figure framing a basement should be easy work for him. 

    Ah, now I get the pricing.  

    Will be fine, not a big project at all.  I bet you and a couple buddies could have knocked it out over 2 weekends.

    Pics later.

  14. Hard to believe he had that bad high ankle just a couple years ago.  Then sitting behind CMC, and to top it off, Fhules coaching.

    It's not too hard to imagine that Chubba could turn into a productive 1b in the right system.  We certainly (hopefully) have a legit O Line, and now a QB that will make defenses respect the passing game (hopefully), I think he could be in for a decent role in this offense.

    • Beer 1
  15. 9 hours ago, toldozer said:

    I hope my daughter works in the trades or do what I do (very little work for decent money) 

    If I were to do this all over, knowing what I know now.  I would have gone to community college for HVAC tech, and business.  If I enjoyed the biz side, transfer to University, if not, open HVAC company.

    By now, I'd be fishing everyday with 5-10 crews specializing in new construction and commercial.

    I'm very happy, and more than blessed to be in my niche industry, but that's what I'd do were I to rewind this clock a couple decades.

  16. 17 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    The more specialized the work the harder it is to get right now. I was talking to a buddy the other day who has been trying to get a mason for a stone retaining wall for over six months. Everyone is booked out to the point they're not even taking new jobs. He can't even get a quote. He reached out to me to see the guys who we worked with in the past and I rattled off some names and he's already called them. I'm like, man that's all I got. I don't know what else to tell you other than to start looking at non-masonry options. Stack some railroad ties or something. You can always do stone down the road if you want.

    If young men aren't waking up to the "new high paying jobs" they need to.  There is a reason it's so tough to find good work at decent prices.

    It's because there aren't enough trades.  Electricians are making more than attorneys.  Plumbers more than accountants.

    College is great, to learn business, then start one or pass one down to your sons.  I wish I had kept up my Fathers electrical biz, I just don't like the work.

    A distant friend of mines son had a partial ride to Miami of OH to play QB for them, turned it down, went into the trades, and is making 6 figures at 23 years old.

    Learn a trade.

  17. Let's kinda figure out what he actually is making to see if we are off or not?

    2k for materials isn't All In.  You will still need nails, screws, etc....so add another 300?  Not sure, either way.

    So 2,300 for materials, so 3,700 or so.  It will take the full 3 days, so that's about $150 per hour in labor, obviously he's paying taxes, insurance, etc. out of that, but to me that seems about 3X what it should be per hour.

    Sounds like Saturday pay to me?

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