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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. I was reading the 2011 CBS remock and both of the writers had JJ Watt going first overall. Cam slipped to 2nd and 3rd in the redrafts, btw. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25139822/nfl-draft-redux-colin-kaepernick-to-browns-or-jets Knowing what we know now, would you still take Cam over JJ Watt, who is quickly becoming the best pass rusher the league has ever seen? If you spent this offseason shitposting about "BPA! BPA!" would you still think that Cam is BPA over JJ? Oh yeah and please don't turn this into yet another "CAM HATER!!" witch hunt/circlejerk please, you have a bunch of other threads to valiantly defend a million dollar athlete against the legion of evil sports writers who are probably saints and cowboys fans.
  2. BB was the best because it was fundamentally about choices. In The Wire everyone's a product of their environment, ditto The Sopranos, in Mad Men everyone's a product of their time. Breaking Bad is the only one that examines the concept of evil and wrongdoing as a matter of deliberate choice. I thought it fitted in neatly with the fact that the show doesn't ever particularly condemn Walt or Jesse for the production of meth (because imbibing meth is a user's own choice), only for the actual evil associated with the criminal trade and ruthless climb to the top. I'm currently approaching the end of the Wire season 2, and I think comparing them in terms of quality is apples and oranges. Breaking Bad is a stark, Shakespearean, moral-driven chess game with a very small cast; The Wire is more of a sprawling Dicknesian epic which doesn't, as far as I can tell, appear to have any particular moral - it's just about all kinds of different people struggling to survive against institutions, living in the cracks. The Wire also doesn't have many edge of your seat moments the way BB does. It's definitely a quality show, but I'll finish an episode and happily not watch another for several weeks - it's doesn't have that same now, now, now gimme quality that BB did. The exception is in season 1 with the episode culminating in Kima getting shot but that's all. Also MGS has terribad writing. I mean one of the fuging villains infected and controlled another villains arm or some stupid poo like that. thats fuging retarded
  3. football players have stats. thanks for that insight.
  4. seriously im just wondering where the argument that the catch was the only reason why he got on the cover came from. its not like david tyree, antonio freeman etc made the madden cover the following season. odb had insane stats, if he would have played 16 games he would have destroyed moss' rookie season. the catch was just the cherry on top
  5. Schefter: Filed to ESPN: Tom Brady suspended four games, Pats lose 1st round pick in 2016 and a 4th in 2017, and team fined $1 million, per source https://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/597877080894918658
  6. this is me at jeremy's photoshoot
  7. should i wear jorts to the next huddle meetup
  8. lets step it up a notch cargo jeans
  9. what exactly did shaq struggle with that mayo did better at? if you had to pick one thing of course.
  10. Sure, why not. Rivera wanted him and he can't be worse than harper
  11. we better fuging win the super bowl this year. our window is about to slam shut with this cam contract looming.
  12. i mean ill agree that at the end of the day that shula and the o-line talent make up the majority of our offenses woes but for fugs sake cam add some touch, stop winging all your passes and stop throwing off your back foot.
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