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Everything posted by Alemanders

  1. They certainly look the best against our bitch asses
  2. Bruh just bring in cam again for fan service. We would atleast be competitive
  3. Well a coach getting hired after getting fired isn't that crazy but I get your sentiment.
  4. Dude shows nothing positive when he gets the ball. Chubba looked better last week, and I'd bet would do more if we actually use him this game
  5. Empty net, power play, and still can't score jfc
  6. This is embarrassing. Just end it here. I've enjoyed hockey post season up to this point. I mean wtf is this
  7. How did this team beat the bruins. I'm new to hockey so this is genuinely confusing to me.
  8. As mad as I was initially I think it's difficult to say it was intentional
  9. Im like 5 mins away from this stadium. Im about to roll over there and flash dong out of frustration
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