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Everything posted by TheRumGone

  1. This just started dude. How are you not getting this? The major problem with covid 19 is that asymptomatic people have heavy viral loads and it is more contagious then the flu, swine flu SARS or Mers. children get infected and barely have any symptoms. They are super spreaders. Why are countries completely shutting down around the globe like its wartime. You are being naive as hell. then the fact that our healthcare system is gonna get overrun and people won’t be able to get care. Scientists around the globe are calling this the virus of the century.
  2. Man. Read the info coming out. This is far far worse. Prepare yourself and your family.
  3. That’s very dangerous speculation we need to avoid when the world is vulnerable right now.
  4. I wrote that up as you posted to bring it back from politics. Also tell posters to stop provoking with “go move there then!” Chill out.
  5. Germany is a better place to live. Stats like standard of living are much higher in other countries. People act like America is the absolute greatest country on earth and it’s not. Stats back that up. Our life expectancy has gone down the past several years. That is insane. Our culture is fuged up. We prioritize profits over people. this is a perfect example. Other countries are telling their citizens to get the fug out of this country as quick as possible. Healthcare is the #1 priority for many people because it’s life and death and we are horrible at it.
  6. We have millions of uninsured Americans in this country. And millions more with poo insurance that bankrupts them. I’m pro American that’s why I give a poo.
  7. Free higher education and public healthcare. They learned a ton from those two times and imo lead the world on what a country can be. They are an amazing society. I have a friend living in Berlin for work. He doesn’t ever wanna come back to the states.
  8. Only one death last time I read. They have one of the best If not the best healthcare systems in the world. This is why in America it could get scary. Our healthcare system is horrid
  9. Friend texted me a pic of the local indoor trampoline park parking lot after he went grocery shopping. It was PACKED. Some people will only learn if someone close to them dies. It’s why I went to quarantine last weekend after I stocked up. Because I know there are tons of idiots in America. Don’t lose hope though, there are millions of Americans doing the right thing.
  10. We will get through this. I hope this is a big solidarity moment for America. You already see people in more advantageous situations helping less fortunate people. That needs to continue. Donate to your local charities, food drives, ect. The stronger the less fortunate of us are the better the country will be.
  11. Yup I’ve been reading HIV meds have been very successful in Japan and Thailand.
  12. I’m a frequent watcher of Joe Rogan so I saw that interview the moment it came up. A lot of people are social distancing and they’re shutting down schools and travel. Those are good things. Trump did it about 3 weeks too late but it’s better late than never. Drive by testing needs to ramp up ASAP. i don’t think we’ll see 150 million people contract it but it will be a lot. But the worry should be overloading our hospitals. People will die not just from the virus but other ICU reasons because they can’t get treatment. People blowing this off as an old people virus need to look at what’s happening in other countries. 50% of ICU in France is under 50. That is alarming. Especially with Americans having a lot of underlying health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. in Italy they had to respirate a 16 year old kid. Everyone needs to try to do their part and social distance. What we have done so far is good and will help in the future but people need to do their part and not be psychopaths like poster AceBoogie. The quicker we do this, the quicker we go back to normal life.
  13. If we only have 15000 deaths I would consider it a raging success at containment. I fear it’s going to be 40-80 times that much or possibly more.
  14. Yup already there. The amount you save on TP pays for the bidet quick as poo. Then you just continue to save money from there on out. im honestly surprised more Americans don’t have them in their homes. In Japan bidets are in public bathrooms.
  15. People reading this don’t read into the posters here playing it down. Think about the people in your life who are at risk for this virus. Your grandparents, your 60+ year old parents, family members and friends with underlying health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. They are at risk for this virus being serious. The issue is hospitals getting overloaded all at once. This is what happened in Italy. And now they are choosing who lives and who dies because they don’t have enough medical support. There are only so many beds, doctors and nurses to go around. This isn’t a time to panic, it’s the time to be prepared. Isolate from those people as much as possible. Practice cleanliness. Keep yourself informed. Have a food/water stock up to two weeks. If you show ANY symptoms, fever cough sore throat. Isolate and call your doctor, urgent care or ER and tell them what’s happening. The only way we stop our healthcare system from being overloaded is if people take this serious right now. Today.
  16. Also. Kids are asymptomatic super spreaders. This thing gets out of control at schools it’s gonna be bad news. They bring it home to their parents, their parents have jobs, bring it to coworkers, their families and so on and so forth. People really need to wake up. This virus is wayyyy more contagious then the flu. One guy in New York infected 50 people in a matter of a couple of days.
  17. No I’ve been reading what’s been happening in Italy. They have one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
  18. The problem is incubation period is as long as 14 days. That’s why you see so much exponential growth in China and Italy. Look at next week or the week after. It’s gonna be bad. We simply do not have the testing kits available that countries like South Korea have. society is making great moves canceling huge gatherings and sporting events. It will save lives. Schools need to be next.
  19. The problem is we have millions of at risk and elderly folks in the US. Hospitals cannot take in a massive influx of folks who need ICU on top of other reasons people get put in ICU. This is very scary and even people who are not at risk need to think about the people in their lives, their family members, etc. who they can give this to. this virus spreads like wildfire and is wayyy more contagious then the flu. The flu has a death rate of .01. This has a death rate of 3.4%. Even if it’s just 1% that is a HUGE deal. people really need to think about social distancing, especially to people who are at risk. Wash your hands. Cancel plans. This is serious. Do not play this off.
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