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Everything posted by Doyle

  1. Take it to the Tinderbox. It's funny because it's photoshopped.
  2. Nothing is impossible when it comes to Ron's incompetence.
  3. If SCP enters does he get to eat boneless?
  4. Do you also eat Snickers bars with a fork?
  5. And if you dip your wings in Ranch or Blue Cheese you are doing it wrong. That sh*t is for the celery only.
  6. Picasso's are the best I've had. There may be better ones out there but I haven't had them yet.
  7. I was thinking BS as well.
  8. I'm a medical masturbator for females if you know anyone in need.
  9. This is something Jangler would post. What ever happened to him?
  10. Is it weird that I've actually wondered this?
  11. My dog once did this for an hour with a pea.
  12. Save the picture and then go to tinypic .com and upload it there. They will give you an image code that you paste here.
  13. I really hope this is fake.
  14. Drop acid in Africa and its bound to happen.
  15. He looks like Smokey in the chicken coop.
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