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Everything posted by Chief_Chokeaho

  1. The team not shoring up the goalie situation is a clear indication that ownership is only interested in prolonging being competitive and not actually winning the Cup.
  2. When we get down, we divert from our game. Teams can just lock in and deflect shots in their d zone b/c they know we don’t generate anything besides rebounds and redirects. When this happens, we have to convert on the PP. Unfortunately, it’s looked like trash for the last few games again and whatever voodoo was propelling it is now gone.
  3. Not worried about it. We just played a good team who was on an eight game losing streak. They were desperate and we were lazy. Rants did enough to keep us in it, the guys in front of him did not.
  4. KK as our 2C produces jack poo. If he’s injured, he needs to sit. Based on the way Rod operates, something tells me he’s not. I’m a okay with shipping him off at the TDL.
  5. They are just playing with more confidence. Svech said it himself, they aren’t doing anything that different, just passing and shooting with confidence. Hopefully they can keep it up!
  6. There’s not a qb in the history of the league who could generate any sustained offense on this roster. By far the worst offensive line we have ever had and that’s saying something for what we put Cam through.
  7. He will be cut or traded and go on to have a hall of fame career where he never misses another game.
  8. Scott has to be fired. This team he built where you “can just plug a QB into” is laughable. Drafting Icky & Horn, giving Darnold his 5th year option, the state of the offensive line, trading away CMC for peanuts, etc. I’m not going to fault him for the trade up to #1 but good god, how is he still employed?
  9. Name something more surprising than Donte Jackson walking off the field “injured”
  10. Lol, you don’t get to do that. You’ve been trashing Bryce all year long.
  11. We look like a different team these last couple of weeks.
  12. Refs tonight are a collective 15-0 in favour of the Queefs when calling Leafs games in Toronto the past two years lol. I’ll be in here complaining tonight with y’all. It’s 1AM in Germany…
  13. We get Toronto on a b2b and then to NYC for a litmus test against the Rags.
  14. Yes. We saw it in stints a couple of weeks ago in the 11-7 2.0 experiment and it was reminiscent of 2021 to my untrained eye. The thing with Burns is, is he’s also leading the team with TOI. That’s absurd. He has lost a step this year and it’s to the detriment of the team. I love Burns, always have, but Rod needs to reevaluate how he’s using some of his vets. Staal is a topic for another day. BTW, I am @USDepartmentOfSavagery. Linville unceremoniously perma-banned that account so had to bring this one back from the grave.
  15. Yeah throwing to #3s and one of the worst lines and schemes in the leagues. If you can post here, you can look at a box score without the backhanded complimentary remarks.
  16. That was a crazy ass throw. You can dismiss the Bryce performance all you want b/c of the “bad GB defense” but he’s throwing to #3s and has a turnstile offensive line in front of him.
  17. He’s pretty average. Has good measurables but if it makes you feel better about Bryce to say that, please continue lol. Hopefully he shows us something. Dude has all day to throw.
  18. I think it’s time for Burns to move to the bottom pair. Slavin is having to do way too much to compensate and Burns is supposed to generate offense but Slavin is out-pacing him there as well. I would like to see TDA on the 1st pair at this point. Will Rod do this? Absolutely not.
  19. Lol that's cute. You're forgetting we also have a legitimate top-5 defense to go along with our top scoring offense. You Bronco fans like to conviently leave that little tid-bit of FACTUAL information out of your "analysis". A defense that isnt far behind the self proclaimed greatest defense of alltime in Denver. A defense that is actually better in a few key statistical areas than Denver's. How is your below average offense going to manifest and sustain any drives. You will need to put up at least 27 points and your defense will have to play their best game of the year to have a shot. It isn't going to happen. You can keep talking about your defense all you won't but the real matchup, the one that will actually impact your chances of winning more so will be the success your offense has against a very good defense. The best turnover creating defense in the league. The Panthers have the best linebacker core in the league. Period. Considering Manning's throws come in the middle of the field with short and intermediate routes because of his non-existent deep ball and your sub-par running game I like our chances. The game might be close, score wise, but it will never really be in doubt. We are a far more superior team. You will need us to turn the ball over multiple times and formulate and execute your best game of the year in addition to that to squeak one out. Good luck. The Super Bowl was won last week in Charlotte.
  20. My biggest issue with their opinions is that they believe that their defense, while great, is going to shut down our offense and that's their key to a win. That's not even the key match-up. They are forgetting their mediocre offense is going to have to play against our top-5 defense on the other side of the field. How in the actual fug is their offense going to maintain and sustain any drives for points? Even if our offense puts up 17, that should be enough to win. It's laughable. All they want to talk about is how we haven't seen a defense like theirs. fuging idiots. You're about to play a team with a legitimate top-5 offense AND defense. A defense with the most takeaways in the league going against an over-the-hill QB who (who has twice as many INT's as TD's) throws wounded ducks into the wind. Our opportunistic defense is going to feast. I don't see any way we lose this game unless we turn the ball over. That's the only way. Our running game is going to punish and slow down their pass rush and open the play-action up. Expect Olsen to have a huge day.
  21. Mentally weak teams don't go 14-0. Obviously you've never played a sport in your life.
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