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  1. Arbitration is not a bad thing. It’s not a “fug off” at all lol. Players don’t believe in Rod lololol.
  2. I think you need to apply that same logic to your posting, squirt. I will be doing the game day threads this year to reverse your bad juju.
  3. I’m in his headddddddd. He just had to quote me lmao.
  4. I knew what the post would say before I opened the thread . DELUSIONNNNNNNNNNN
  5. Okay, who is coming. And how hard is it going to be to get tickets? I’m currently living in Germany a couple hours north of Munich. Happy to help facilitate a cheaper experience for help getting tickets lol.
  6. Charlotte is a terrible sports city. Always has been. Can’t dismiss Charlotte FC either. It’s a good thing the Canes are in Raleigh.
  7. The product in Raleigh is significantly better lol. And you can tailgate right outside the arena with 18,000 other fans - not 2 miles away in some parking deck.
  8. You want the head coach to find a goalie? Do you want Rod to sew the jerseys too? Do you realize this team is where it is b/c of Rod? We have no idea what would have happened if PK played the whole series. When do the players who play ring around the rosey on the PP shoulder the blame? Maybe they aren’t executing. Please stop whining about Rod. It’s exhausting.
  9. Necas isn’t going to sign a 2 year deal lol. He is looking for a pay day and should. He will be traded.
  10. It’s not about money or Tom. Waddell is 65 and had a lot on his plate in Carolina to include a lot of the business side of the things.
  11. Ehh NYR had more scoring opportunities and Florida is healthy with an elite net minder. Only fault I have on Rod is his goalie decision. At some point, the players deserve some balme.
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