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Everything posted by Jase

  1. on the "lean" setting, it's reasonably close. I have a bodyfat caliper (that I'm not very good at using) that puts me in about the same ballpark of 14-16%.
  2. we got a fitbit aria scale on friday... it's been fun having it track weight and bodyfat for us. Well, it tries to track bodyfat anyway. yes, I weigh myself too often. It's a new toy, what am I supposed to do?
  3. I will bench extra weight tonight as punishment.
  4. Just a reminder to all you bigots out there. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  5. Introduce yourself is still there. Only female huddlers can see it and post there. So they can use it to introduce themselves to the moderating team.
  6. It's true, I do whatever biscuit tells me to do around here.
  7. I think you meant to say "Git R Dun" Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  8. DtB may be above posting crossfit gifs, but I'm not. This may be the craziest one I've seen...
  9. I deadlifted 315 pounds twice last night. Next... a house.
  10. It's a complex formula, I won't bore you with the detail. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  11. update: the mods took a vote and NASCAR still has a small lead to keep this forum.
  12. Some of us are so far gone in the head that it doesn't matter. I could be 230 pounds of muscle and still think I'm small. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  13. Well this is embarrassing. I forgot to take my belly chain off.
  14. Trust me, I know what butterfly ass tickling feels like. It's amazing what kind of premium services asian spas offer.
  15. Squats feel like a thousand little butterflies are tickling my ass simultaneously.
  16. I just love the tingly feeling I get in my ass during leg day Wait, that didn't sound right. Standing by it.
  17. We have an a/c system in my gym, but it's always 85+ in there anyway. Cheap bastards. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  18. New personal bests in back squats and deadlifts this week... Somebody pinch me! Sent from my KFSOWI using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  19. He must have ugly balls. I get nothing but kind words about mine every day.
  20. Deadlifted 300 lbs x2 today Am I finally not weak like a little girl anymore? Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  21. Just can't afford the fees for a new forum infrastructure. Write me a check and maybe I can make something happen. Besides, the two sports are basically the same. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  22. People probably look at me in the gym and think that though I can't help that I have these long dancer's legs Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
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