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Everything posted by Jase

  1. Some of us just have those kind of legs from birth :-( Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  2. Pick things up Then put them down Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  3. I would love to squat barefoot. If only the gym allowed it. Shoes just get in the way. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  4. I would say go heavier on those squats. Women tend to have lots of natural strength potential in the quads and butt. More weight also makes the squat movement less about balance. A good goal for any woman is to be able to squat at least 3/4 of their body weight. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  5. Don't they have to take something to limit their estrogen too? Otherwise, bam! Manboobs Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  6. I know what you mean I'm naturally lean, but volume comes hard for me. Just to have a taste of the juice would be amazing. Too bad it could totally screw up your body... permanently.
  7. I didn't notice anything when I took them. You're right, can't hurt though.
  8. The way I started doing moves that I couldn't perform initially (chin ups come to mind) is to cheat on the way up and slowly lower myself down with good form. So for a pull up, I would use a chair or get a jumping start to get to the top of the movement, then slowly lower myself down. For push ups, similarly you could push up from your knees to get up to the top of the movement, then lift your knees up and slowly lower yourself down.
  9. as I type this, my right pec keeps twitching. I should video tape this and post it because it's ultra creepy. back day today... It is now easily my favorite day. Love a pumped back.
  10. Committed to bulking... he's gonna get hyooooge
  11. most women are also too scared to eat enough consistently to gain any muscle mass as well it's virtually impossible to gain muscle mass while on a caloric deficit
  12. I finished my leg day with a brisk run on the Stairmaster I was begging for the sweet release of death Sent from my KFSOWI using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  13. And why are they ribbed? For my pleasure? Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  14. That pic was the inspiration for the thread actually. When will it be my turn for the random boobs? Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  15. I've never done it because I workout after dinner, but I've heard that a banana is good to eat pre-workout.
  16. Here's the cable variety http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/CBForwardTricepsExt.html The dumbbell looks like a combination of this http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/DBLyingTriExt.html and this http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/DBPullover.html with the goal being to stretch the tricep out as much as possible at the bottom of the movement.
  17. triceps are easily my best-looking body part and I only do dumbbell pullovers and cable pullovers for isolation movements. Easy on the forearms, easy on the elbows, crazy soreness the next day.
  18. if something makes you hurt in a bad way, find something else that works your Tris that doesn't hurt. If its tendinitis or something similar, it won't get better.
  19. it would stand to reason that she only has about 85-90 lbs of lean mass, so I don't think she would be wanting to take in much more than 1300-1400 calories or so at the most under any circumstances. I have a lean body mass of about 155 pounds and my Base metabolic rate would be around 2400 calories intake to break even, having a fairly strict regimen of physical activity. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  20. nobody will harass you asking for foot pics except for the mods I'll see to it personally.
  21. Sorry I didn't call, I was washing my hair.
  22. I was at the gym over the weekend and somebody kept crop dusting me all sneaky like, could never figure out who it was. I thought that maybe SCP was in for a visit.
  23. You set off the lunk alarm, didn't you. Time to come clean.
  24. Did the person who phoned in the report have a boston accent?
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