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Posts posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. On 7/19/2024 at 9:37 PM, kungfoodude said:

    I have no idea why anyone believes in this guy. He's a low rent, lower ceiling Brock Osweiler. 

    He seems to be a likable enough guy in a team setting and has all the physical tools, he's just always been lacking in his mental game. He's still on an NFL roster which says something. He's been put in terrible situations for a long time, without any real chance with legitimate coaching until last year in SF. He's more of those what if kind of NFL guys for me. Similar to KB and "what if" he hadn't shredded his knee and his mom hadn't passed away at such a pivotal time in his life. Never gonna actively root against the guy, but would like to see him succeed a little after being led by Gase and Rhule. I think he deserves something for putting up with those 2 chuckleheads and OOU. 

  2. 11 hours ago, HardcoreHokie said:

    Non issue.  Classic negotiating.

    ”Let me talk to my boss” to slow things down and gain leverage, which they did.

    If Teppers tenure hadnt been filled with blunder after blunder and had been even a tiny bit successful, maybe. I'd see it more as weakness from GM who doesn't have any real power and the ultimate decision rests with a man that doesn't know football. 

    • Pie 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    I think the # he wants is $30 mil per.  thats a lot to move around as it stands right now and like you say if we give away more draft assets that pretty much ties us to Bryce for the foreseeable future and I doubt anyone wants to do that without seeing 2024


    Plus I seriously doubt san fran wants to trade him

    Trading for him would likely cost next year's first and if BY doesn't perform, that's going to be a top 2 pick. I'd rather draft an elite WR and pay far less if that's the option we have to go. 

    • Pie 5
  4. 22 hours ago, rayzor said:

    You choose to drink and get in a car. You can't know that this is a bad idea that could end up tragic.

    You willfully put yourself in a situation that could result in someone getting killed.

    You drink and drive, you should be thrown in jail....first time.

    You injure someone in a crash while you chose to drive drunk....attempted murder. Go straight to jail.

    You kill someone while driving drunk...that's murder. Go to jail.

    No second chances because the people you hurt/killed got no second chance.

    I know laws like that will never pass because too many people in power do the same thing or have family members who do it and don't want it to come back and bite them in the ass.

    But that's the only way it's going to stop...you throw drunk drivers in jail and treat them like the legit threats to public safety they are.

    My son in law was almost killed by a drunk driver. His friend walking down the sidewalk next to him was when a woman with 9 DUIs ran off the road. She had used her kid, who was in the car, to blow the breath meter to start it. Un-freaking-believable. Her family thought the punishment was harsh when she got 30 years. 

  5. 3 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    No, it's a very simple logic test for a Panthers fan.

    One is one of the best players in franchise history and our only NFL MVP. The other is a typical first round complete bust.

    If you really have to get in the minutiae of their personalities or what they are wearing, once again, football is just not really for you. 

    The men aren't just guys on a football field anymore. They're constantly part of an interaction with the fan base through press conferences and actions and events outside of the football field. John Madden was one of the best commentators of all time because of how well he could relate to the audience. There's been a laundry list of terrible ones. You don't know Cam or Sam any more than I do. So for to pass judgement that I somehow can't be a football fan because I relate to one player more than I do another is stupid. 

    Cam is one of the best players to lace up for Carolina and that is truly sad. Not because of anything Cam did, but because this team has been historically so bad. I like Cam the player and loved how he played so passionately. I also don't think he's a HoF QB or even gets onto the ballot once. I don't think his game rose to that level except one magical season. You can disagree and that's fine. But just because we don't agree doesn't qualify my opinion as hateful or uneducated. It's just different than yours. 

    • Beer 1
  6. On 6/12/2024 at 11:13 AM, kungfoodude said:

    I will never understand how we have a portion of our fanbase to hate Cam but also a portion that loves Sam Darnold.

    There is no better logic test on the planet than that. If you fail it, football is not for you.

    I know a lot of people who don't think Cam is the QB god he's made out to be. They don't hate him, but they also don't think he's a HoF qb. They were more tired of the fans falling all over him and ignoring some of his weaknesses because he could truck a LB without slowing down. 

    Same people like Darnold because He's a likable enough guy and easy to root for.  They also realize he has talent, but is scatterbrained and gonna make a lot of money as a career backup. 

    Cam has a very different personality and I think you either relate to it or you don't. The whole outfit thing caused a disconnect for a lot of people, coupled with a lack of winning, changed people's perspective about him. Doesn't mean they were right, I think it just caused a disconnect. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    They are always entertaining to me. I cheer for success and laugh at the failures because it's entertainment. That's all it is, millionaires playing a kids game. 

    I took some advice from a Rodney Carrington show and we play golf with penalty. Loser buys the first round at the bar after wearing his Im a loser crown and sash. That poo is hilarious until it's you. 

    • Beer 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    I'm watching every game no matter what. Good, bad or indifferent I'm watching.  Nut up you babies, you cannot handle adversity at all. 

    The Panthers aren't entertainment right now. There's better things to do with 3 hours than watch Panthers football. Just how I feel about it. Spending 4 hours taking in 18 with the boys on the links is better for the soul than another season of Tepper ball. 

    • Pie 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Sean Payton's Vicodin said:

    I would say 2022 is worse. Everyone except the most diehard homers knew that season was going to suck.

    While I hated keeping Rhule, I thought if he still kept sucking, it would be an easy path to number 1. Firing him 5 games into the season then winning meaningless games just made it worse. We weren't making a deep run even if we made the wildcard with a losing record. That whole season was pointless, but at least I was optimistic an owner with 1/4 of a brain couldn't muck it up. Ahhh Dave.... 

  10. I have almost zero interest at this point. I have no desire to go to a game, watch one unless there's nothing else to do, or buy clearance merchandise for $0.01. Until this team can actually do something, anything, to prove it's marching towards success, there's no point in investing any emotion other than an enthusiastic "fug Tepper."

    • Pie 3
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  11. 14 hours ago, pantherclaw said:

    Oh no, not in May!!!! 


    Hamstring injuries can linger for months. I pulled mine and the recovery was 2 months in when I reinjured walking up stairs then another 3 months. You don't realize how much you use it until you can't. 

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