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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. The real crime is Swedish meatballs. Horse isn't bad. Dog is ok too. Most people can't tell between dog and beef
  2. Revy doesn't approve of your photos
  3. I like how if you cheat they don't take away wins or your Lombardi just draft picks.
  4. That day I was 75 miles west of Douglas, WY.
  5. I wear there in winter: La Sportiva Crossover 2.0 GTX Trail Running Shoe - Men's Black/Yellow 44.5 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ICPOTUW/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_-HQTub1MTRA54
  6. It's just way too many games to keep up with for me. I only played that one
  7. My brain isn't functioning today. In 24 hours I've experienced five seasons. 55 went I went to bed woke up in a snowstorm.
  8. FTFY Also, OP who I think I owe $4.50 to, ever seen Midnight Cowboy? That's how I got through college.
  9. Engineer money is about average. Unless you pick one that only 17 colleges in the country offer, and you only need a bachelors to do well. Otherwise you need a masters. I know a mechanical engineer who moved for a job paying about $40a year
  10. I will be no help because I used my GI Bill. But if you decide to enlist there are more than enough qualified members here that can help. I would have a year in school first before you go the military route. Then you become one of those ROTC kids I would have to help because they didn't know they couldn't swim. Being a nurse in the military is easy, they just promote you as you get older
  11. Dude you aren't even supposed to discuss the game without permission
  12. Between all the regular posters I think we may have 7 healthy shoulders. I don't even know how I hurt mine. Anyone use a fitness tracker? I've been tempted to see how much the weather hurts my running. I've never bothered to keep time as I enjoy how peaceful it is. But I was challenged to see if I could match my old 3 mile run time
  13. I like to do that with my car. Pull into a big parking lot and there is one car I'll park beside it. Today I was reminded how much I like my fingers. I was inspecting equipment out in the field. I had on gloves but had been outside for about 20 minutes. I had to look underneath putting my hands on the ground. Not noticing I was putting my hands in two puddles of salt water that had been spilled. My hands were numb from the cold. The field tech yells that my hands are in water. I run to my truck but my fingers can't grip the door handle. The tech is right behind me and throws it open for me. I jump inside to pull off my wet gloves and still can't move my fingers. Not wanting to wait for numb nuts I pulled my gloves off with my teeth. Everything is fine but I went back to get the temperature of that water.
  14. White dude, wearing a ski mask, and a thick accent? This is the start of a Die Hard movie
  15. I posted this in the pic thread but here was the temperature of the tongue of my running shoes after I got done. I might have a problem.
  16. Ever have your eyelids freeze shut?
  17. Oh, I must have misunderstood your text. I thought you wanted my pi. This is awkward.
  18. It's going to be -24 with 3" of snow. Will probably die in the field and eaten by coyote
  19. Pics or it didn't happen.* * Not really. We'll take your word for it
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