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About OnlyPantherFaninMaine

  • Birthday 02/09/1990

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  1. And he’s gone. Harbaugh gets his leader and former player back. Unreal.
  2. Same old Panthers. Getting too cute. Junior Colson plays for a long time on this defense and was exactly what this defense needs right now.
  3. What were the terms of the trade back up?
  4. Alright with it, don’t love it. Feels very “same old Panthers”. We need to get away from Sanders’ contract asap.
  5. Love this one. Wish it was 2 years but the safety market is ROUGH.
  6. Might be the worst pass rush in NFL history next year. Good for Frankie. Life and family-altering money well deserved.
  7. Sure we can. No more burns and no more Luvu. There goes our sack production.
  8. This team is about to have 0 pass rush. Former regime with Fitterer fumbled this situation so so bad.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/former-michigan-standout-cfl-champion-craig-roh-dead-33 RIP to this young man. Prayers up to his family and friends. Tell your people you love them, life is too short. fug cancer!
  10. Negative. UCLA fans love it. Dude is/was a legend at UCLA and has been on the football staff for a while now, most recently as the RB coach. The players have loved him for years there and he is highly respected inside and outside of the football building. I am pumped for him.
  11. Did I miss his introductory press conference? Any reason as to why he has not done one yet?
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