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Mark S

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Everything posted by Mark S

  1. And I'll pie you because you're from tea and crumpets land.
  2. #pieforpie #cool #mod #pickme #imthebest #piethispost #givemeallthepie #thepieking
  3. Baby bounces were no match for my "ninja turtle".
  4. I'd love to do it. I don't know what exactly what you mean by qualifications but: 1) Notice when things get out of hand 2) Understand morals 3) Don't condone hate speech 4) I'm known to be a leader and manage other people 5) I spend a lot of time on this website regardless and I'm willing to put forth the effort necessary 6) Will work for pie
  5. I switched over from an Android to the iPhone 6. Love it. Glad I made the decision.
  6. We should make a separate section on the Huddle for podcasts
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