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Posts posted by Snake

  1. He settled with her and she miraculously decided to disappear and not cooperate with the DA.

    And, it would be impossible for the DA to bring witness tampering without either Holder testifying to that or a written agreement stating the conditions of the payments. Neither are likely to exist.

    I am not saying he was guilty...just that him paying and her going away does not make him innocent.

    If you have ever worked in or around a court room or police station you will understand this. Being guilty you have way more rights than the victim and that courts side with women. Women can kill there husband's and walk away free but it does not work the other way around. I've seen women beaten, beaten to the point there face looks like a slab of steak. Yet they never press charges. I've also seen women have there boyfriends arrested because they(the woman) were hitting them(the guy). They always ask why are you arresting me, my awnser is welcome to domestic.
  2. Snake is having a bigger meltdown over Greg Hardy than that 9-year-old who cried over Steve Smith last offseason.

    Also, I'm sure he'd have the same view points if Nicole Holder was his sister.

    I'm not having a melt down over Hardy, I'm having a melt down over the thought of how good SEA will be with him. You know there is a thing called a Super Bowl and I would like to see it at some point with the Panthers in it. All I ask for is the raiders or Dallas to pay the man big time and keep him the hell away from SEA.

  3. I'm pretty sure michael bennett has been an unstoppable force for the Seahawks since he joined them. He's just as good and as versatile as greg. Cliff Avril and that LB they drafted have been solid pass rushers too. 


    Graham is good but he'll never be Gronk because he is soft as fug and you can take him out of games because of it. You have to injure Gronk to do the same. Graham would be just as likely to be pushed out of the way as whatever receiver they threw to was.


    Bennett is not even on the level of hardy. He is a good DE but Hardy is one of the best. The only reason SEA has a pass rush is because of there CB/DB combo. They are the best in the NFL and followed by what NE had last year. Graham may be soft but he wins matchups and is not nearly as useless as you make it seem. He has beat Keek and Wagner in SEA for some TDs and thats not soft.

    • Pie 1
  4. I think it's pretty clear there was a financial settlement between them. She may be a shitty person but she's still a person. I just think it's ridiculous for you to paint Greg as this sad downtrodden player who came to our door, willing to play for peanuts, and we kicked him out into the cold. And how if only we'd let him play here for cheap we'd be in the Super Bowl next season. He has always been money motivated. He did a great job of campaigning to make himself a core piece of the panthers that we couldn't let go, so we would pay him and keep him. He may be a great teammate too. But that's his job too. I don't feel sorry for him that he wasn't immediately snapped up to a mega deal in the first week of FA and that he had to get his agent to drum up some fake leads to remind teams he is still available.



    If half the people like you would just read what really happened you would understand. It pisses me off that people use Domestic Violence to get money much less punish a person for not doing what they wanted. Lets face it Ray Rice didnt get punished one bit in court because his girlfriend dropped the charges. Like wise Holder came to hardys house drunk and high and slapped him then he called the cops. He got arrested because he was the guy and you cant charge females with DV in NC. So he got arrested because she was pissed at him. After that the Panthers kicked him to the curb because JR does not like bad PR no matter if you are innocent or not.

    • Pie 3
  5. I don't think I'll ever understand the media's overreaction to the Greg Hardy situation. The instant I saw JR blubbering in that video I knew we'd never see Hardy play another snap for Carolina.


    Does Hardy have a mental illness? Who knows? If the gold digger was being honest about what happened, then Hardy is mentally ill, and it's likely he'll act out again leading to another suspension. If the gold digger was lying, then we really got screwed by the whorish media and our puss owner.


    With Hardy we might have beaten Seattle and won the SB. I'm not saying that's likely, but it could have happened. We now have to rely on developing Kony Ealy, and I hope he's not a bust.


    I wish I wasn't in the position of hoping Hardy stays out of the NFC, but I would think he'd try to sign with a top team no matter which conference.


    Last FA I thought was a total disaster. I (and all of sports media) thought Cotchery and Avant were terrible, and it turns out they were. Avant was cut, and Cotchery did jack poo. At the end of the season Gettleman blamed our cap problems for why he brought in poo WRs.


    This FA we've brought in Oher, Ginn, and some guys no one has ever heard of. If I'm leaving someone out it's because I don't care. We're not winning a SB with this offense. Seattle, GB, or some other top NFC team will shut this offense down and bounce us out of the playoffs. We need offensive weapons and O-line improvements. The answer is not Ginn and Oher. Seattle will make Ginn and Oher their bitches. So now it's down to the draft because Gettleman is broke, or doesn't like what's out there value wise.


    We're stuck looking to the draft for immediate starters at the WR position. Not good.


    All while our conference is getting better off the NFC South. Two top 5 players could be playing for the Hawks this year and both will come from the South.


  6. I'm referring to the fact that Seattle had a super talented team this last year and still lost the SB on a last minute TD throw. The game is still a game and even if you have all the best players you're never guaranteed a win. It's like G-Man says, if you think you're one guy away then you're already making a mistake. I think people complaining about us not "going all in" on winning like they say Seattle is are ignoring the fact we aren't any other team but the panthers.


    I don't think we've had that hard of a time moving the ball against their D, it has always been a red zone problem. Greg would be a problem for sure but we seem to know how to play against SEA and we're going to know exactly what makes Greg tick wherever he goes. Plus with a healthy Cam, he can at least avoid the pressure Greg brings better than most.


    What you dont see is that Hardy is the piece that SEA is missing. They are stacked everywhere but DE, give them that and even Brady does not get it done. BTW they fixed there redzone problem with JG. We have always played him well but JG is the seahawks what Gronk is to the Patriots.

  7. The only funny part to the whole Hardy fiasco is that some of you ACTUALLY think it makes him look innocent by him settling with and paying off Holder, her disappearing, and the charges being dropped.


    However, to most sane people out there it actually makes him look more guilty....throw money at her to make her go away and not testify.


    She was jet setting all over the US for months before this broke...you can be damn sure that Hardy paid her long ago.


    I have no idea what he actually did or did not do (as I was not there).  But I bet you that he is not totally innocent....yet, I also doubt he is guilty of everything that she accused him of either.


    Sorry but if you look at what actually happened its clear she was pissed he was leaving her and needed a pay day. Its like paying her off somehow makes him guilty yet make her so totally innocent. What it was is a wast of time and a way for a gold digger to get her money. Coked up, doped up, drunk, naw that not important. Whats important is the fact she said he touched her. People like you act as if Hardy and his friends raped her and threw her in a trunk of a car.

    • Pie 2
  8. It's too bad Greg didn't beat your daughter. Then you could just write the NFL, JR, and the media a letter saying it's ok as long as the panthers make it to the super bowl next year.


    LOL now you cant come back with anything but some lies. Nice try but that daughter was so beaten that she decided to go to NYC and skip there whole justice thing.

    • Pie 3
  9. man i think our defense did fine without greg hardy the latter half of the season but man what do I know


    Our defense is not the problem. We will be fine on defense and will be top 10 to 15. Guess where SEAs will be with Hardy? Also Guess where there offense will be with Lynch and Jimmy?


    In the NFL if your not improving your getting worse. We are in no better position that we were last year. Dave may have one hell of a draft but so could the hawks.

  10. Marty Hurney and JR might have set us back 20 years.  So maybe we can reboot and advertise (read: dupe) ourselves as an expansion team this season!!


    edit - this org is clown shoes but it's not our current ppls fault, we are paying for sins of the past in the present.


    We rid ourselves of Hurney but we are still allowing talent to walk right out the door for nothing. Thats all JR.

  11. Can Hardy catch a TD pass?

    I guess you can also say that Russell wilson's contract is still up in the air too... Then what will they do?

    It would suck to see Greg go to Seattle but it doesn't change what we're building here.


    4 words







    Wilson is not even that important to that team. He is just a role player. Cam is basically our offense replace him and you are 3-13 these past years.

    • Pie 1
  12. If he goes to Seattle then that all but removes the possibility of us winning a sb with our current core. And all because we want to be a good boys club, total suicide shot to the head.


    Our current core is basically Thomas Davis, Johnson, and Olson. We have even yet to sign Cam or Keek. Whos to say they even stay.

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