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Posts posted by Snake

  1. There was enough for the first judge to find him guilty. Our legal system vacates that trial and gives him a trial by jury. However, that trial did happen and there was evidence presented. That evidence will be evaluated by the league.


    The first court appearance was a hearing not a judgement. This is why Hardy was allowed to have a jury trial. If it were a real judgment Hardy could have requested a jury trial from the start. So that logic is flawed. Its like saying "well he was arrested so he must be guilty".

  2. Nope. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

    The personal conduct clauses in the CBA are very broad. Basically any action that is detrimental to the image if the league is fair game.

    Technically hardy did nothing that was detrimental to the NFL. He had full disclosure, called the cops himself, and didn't rum from the charges. If Ray Rice gets only a slap on the wrist the NFL should tread carefully with Hardy.

  3. LOL...I'm not the one jumping on buying "unnamed" Panthers doing X and running with it. Claiming I know who they are and how much it means...

    Voth's article is just an offseason click piece to get the Hardy believers talking. Voth knows Hardy is done here but that is a short article that only needs to be written once.

    My statement still stands because you can't back up your bullshit.

    • Pie 1
  4. There's pretty good evidence he was gonna be too expensive to keep anyway.


    And 'blank check' negotiations put us in the kind of cap hell that we're just now starting to climb out of.


    Not what Im saying. If Hardy is willing to do what he says and play on a prove it deal then they should at least entertain the idea. He is worth the risk in that regards. If not then he was gone no matter how his trial ended.

  5. The vast majority of players understand that it's a business.  Popular guys get let go on an annual basis from every team in the league.  The Panthers aren't unique in that, and any player looking for a team where that doesn't happen is gonna be sorely disappointed.


    And we don't know that Hardy is 'begging to come back'.  The whole 'play for free' thing could easily just be talk.  Heck we don't even know how many teammates are actually backing Hardy.


    Regardless, no front office in the league polls players before making roster decisions, nor should they.


    Hardy knows just as well as the players he will have to make a deal work. When Hardy came out of collage the knock on him was the he really didn't fit in well with his coach and the players. Hardy had found a home here and it would not surprise me at all if he took a small 2 or 3 year prove it deal just so he could stay. If he chases the money then he really was not committed anyway. My point is that if he is willing to do that you cant say no and not allow him to prove it. We sat around years waiting on Davis to recover from injury and could have cut him just as easy. Im not saying break the bank on him, what Im saying is if he is truthful let him play. I guess we can agree to disagree on that but I doubt Voth with just throw this out there without weight to it.

  6. Players aren't the ones responsible for making roster decisions, and for good reason.  Nobody'd ever get let go and everybody'd get paid large salaries (basically what Marty Hurney did).


    The guys who do make the roster decisions are the ones who don't think they can trust Hardy.



    To let a top 5 DE go just because he got caught up in a scandal does not seem very smart. Also leaders of the team hold weight with JR so they do have some power.

    • Pie 1
  7. Greg Hardy's likely just going to be allowed to walk via free agency and he'll probably get a pretty good payday wherever he goes.


    That's something that happens on an annual basis.  Ted Ginn, Mike Mitchell, Captain Munnerlyn and others have been allowed to find deals elsewhere in recent years. Others will this year too.


    Now take Steve Smith, on the other hand, who was proactively cut.


    If Steve Smith being let go didn't divide the team, what makes you think letting Greg Hardy get paid somewhere else will?



    The simple fact that his teammates all want him back. Or at least the leaders of the team and that's good company to be in. Its just simply dumb not to allow a player of Hardy's caliber not to come back if he takes a favorable deal. Yes he has done some childish things in the past but people do dumb things. All Im saying is there should be talk between Hardy and Dave and Dave needs to tread lightly or he could end up having players leave how he treats hardy. Even though Smith was a prick and most were ready to see him go there were mummers that he was not treated right. Now you have a guy begging to come back and a team thats backing him its a tricky situation to say the least.


  8. Well yeah, if you excuse anything he does, then there's no pattern.


    The story about his tweeting the pic while driving was well known and discussed plenty within this forum.  Steve Smith was said to have famously ripped him for it at the time.


    Voth's article about teammates lobbying for him states specifically that "Richardson and others inside the building feel like they can't trust him".  No stretch to expect Dave Gettleman is among the "others".


    Spin it any way you want but no matter what fans think, if Richardson and Gettleman see enough of a pattern that they think Hardy can't be trusted, he's not coming back.



    How can you say a guy is not trust worthy when leaders of the team are lobbying for him. They have more invested than anyone and if Hardy screws up again they are the ones that will suffer the most. You saw no one cry when Smith left but it looks like most of the team wants hardy back. Thats big no matter how you spin it.

  9. The 49ers fans are screwed with that ownership. When was the last time they got along with a winning coach?  I hope the fans enjoyed there run because its going to be 6-10 and 8-8 from here on out. Dont worry though the coaching staff will make sure they clean the stadium after the fans leave.

  10. Voth gave no names, but he did say it was "team leaders, guys who have (Jerry) Richardson’s ear."


    He also said this...



    Not sure how many people read those particular lines in the article.


    Pretty good odds that "others inside the building" includes Dave Gettleman.


    Voth is still only giving this a "slim chance".  Hardy fans probably shouldn't get their hopes up.


    Honestly, this is the type of thing that can divide a team. Its obvious that Hardy is not the cancer the media and this huddle make him out to be. Hardy needs to play ball and give a big discount if he wants to stay but he really is that type of guy to pick a team over money. He is the same guy that came on here just to hype the fans of the Panthers and he is the same guy that will play 100% every snap to earn his pay check. If looked at logically why wouldn't I want a top 10 DE on both sides of my line and one that is begging to come back.

  11. I'd like to be a mod. I been a member of this forum for 11 or so years now. I contributed to huddle back when we had to pay to view locker room. I'm regular at tailgates and support many huddle events. I used to be chat room mod few years back. Most regulars know me on message board and in real life.


    You sir, sound like the least qualified out of all of us. :P

    • Pie 1
  12. just when Biscuit was going to get my vote he had to screw it all up with jase nudes!

    does this mean I'm getting promoted to Admin?!!!!

    PS...who the hell are 90% of these people applying? do they know they have to clean the huddle shitter and stock the beer fridge?

    What the hell I called you a gay Canadian. I thought that was the highest award for the PNW. I knew I should have added hipster.

    • Pie 2
  13. I know I'm the only one who feels this way, but I'm uneasy in regards to Cobb.  I rarely, if ever, see a receiver go from an elite QB and offense like that of Green Bay and recreate the same success.  I'm not saying he's not a good receiver, but how many of the receivers on the end of Peyton Manning passes have excelled in other systems?  Tom Brady?  Drew Brees?  I'm in no way saying Cam isn't an good QB, but he's not an elite passer, I'd say he's an average passer and elite runner, and his TOTAL game is what makes him an elite QB.  Watch, it will be someone like Shorts out of this Free Agent group that has the most upside in the long run.


    What kind of WRs has Cam been working with? Look at any Elite QB and there will be good WRs and RBs all around him. Very few QBs can make bad WRs look good. The only one in the past decade I can think of was Drew Brees who is losing his touch and thats why the Saints are failing. Give Cam a burner to go along with KB and Philly and you will see how much of a difference it makes. People forget before Ginn left for AZ he was a nobody that was strictly a PR/KR guy. Cam made him look like a good WR and Ginn gave Cam a deep threat.

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