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Posts posted by Snake

  1. The day WE lose out with a better record to a team with a horrible one and they make the Playoffs, I bet you'll be one of the biggest moaners on this board. It's a terrible rule. You could technically win a division with six wins and make the Playoffs. No way a six win team deserves Playoffs.

    Its also a terrible rule that your allowed to post but you don't see me whining about it.

  2. Cason did well in San Diego in 2010 returning punts. Sproles got injured and he took over punt returning duties for the last 4 games. 16.5 average per punt. Ginn in the Saints game made a big fair catch prior to our last drive. The Saints punter kicked it short and if it hit the ground the field position for that last drive would have been a lot worse. Hopefully Cason can be as good as Ginn.

    Yea and Ginn would have has a return in the dome if there punter would not have yanked Ginns helmet off. Still pissed they did not eject him for that play.

    • Pie 1
  3. Who exactly am I racist against, and how am I being racist? White on white racism?

    I've been told by a wise man not to get in a argument with a ignorant person. Because they will drag you down to there level and beat you with experience.

    • Pie 1
  4. I question why weren't the bruises at the scene not good enough for a arrest at that point?

    Why if he had thrown her on Loaded "weapons" was he allowed to go back in his house and not be arrested until 7 hours later??

    We are talking about a drunk giant with loaded weapons right??

    We all saw what Ray Rice did to a woman that pissed him off. Think what this so call "lunatic" could have done. I guess he is so skilled that he only left small scrapes and bruises... Or maybe just maybe the girl flipped her poo then lied so hardy would be put in jail.

    • Pie 1
  5. I didnt read all 200 posts, but I read some of you sounding relieved, as if the girl was the problem. While that could turn out to be true, Just because Hardy called 911 and told his side of the story to the dispatcher, do not think that is evidence of innocence. It sounds convincing and is good news from that perspective, but the judge saw the bruises and marks on her body. The judge felt that the female was the victim. The legal expert who felt that the girl had been assaulted will not be a petty detail that can easily be overlooked.

    She was drunk and high, and both his friend and Hardy were defending themselves. When a guy grabs a girl to restrain her bruises result. Hell some times when me and my girl are playing around I cause bruises by accident.

    • Pie 1
  6. Officers arriving to the scene don't have the 911 call to listen to while making a judgement call at the scene.

    If the girl has bruises from being restrained.....odds are responding officers will make a judgement that benefits the woman


    She does not even have to have bruises. All she has to do is say he touched her, then he goes to jail. No matter if it was self defense or not.

  7. OK, I am leaning towards her being one psycho crazy mofo now. lol


    I thought you never knew anyone worth knowing that was arrested for Domestic?



    Sorry but this is why I hate Domestic Violence charge. It always favors the woman no matter how Violante they get. His ass should have locked himself in the bathroom.

  8. I don't know any people worth knowing that has a domestic abuse charge. You?

    Sent from the Carolina Huddle App


    I know a lot of people, good ones, bad ones, and people who fall in between. I also know that most battered women dont call the cops because its a one night in jail thing. Next day they get it worse, and nothing is done about it except they get beat worse. If you want to know some more horrible poo I know that children are beaten/sexually assaulted and have less rights than adults so nothing is done. Thats your legal system and thats how it works, I will not side with anyone till I see her picture and the damage he caused.

    • Pie 1
  9. I'm happy with the win. I was in no way saying we have a problem on defense. But Zod telling people they haven't watched any football for mentioning the defensive issues on Monday Night is silly. NE is going to present a threat to any defense but it wasn't elaborate offense that challenged the Panthers. It was a lot of bad tackling on the part of the Panthers.

    The Pats had two weeks to scheme us, they are probably the best team in the AFC, and they have the best QB in the AFC. Games like this come down to small things and we did just enough. Our defense had one hell of a game and if we had one more experienced CB it would have been even farther apart. We are not the steel curtain but we are very good.

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