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Posts posted by rodeo

  1. I notice Jeremy said "play confusion, miscues, overthrows, wrong routes, slow play development" but the retorts defending Shula have mostly said "execution."

    The problems on our offense are not just the QB missing a throw or the receiver dropping the ball. It's confusion, lack of urgency, and slow developing plays. Those things are ALL on the OC. We have experienced vets who, after many years in the league, suddenly look like they have no idea what's going on, running wrong routes, stopping mid route, etc. Do you think they suddenly turned stupid? It's the OC's job to get everyone on the same page, it's the OC's job to install urgency, quick-fire plays which have been THE most successful thing in our offense, and all indications are that Shula is failing yet again.

    • Pie 2
  2. I'm offended by the stupidity of others every day.

    If we were to to prohibit everything that is offensive to people, then we most certainly would not have our freedoms. 


    Nothing is being prohibited. What's happening is that the Redskins are asking the government to endorse and protect their use of a racial slur, which is against policy. The government is deciding they no longer want to do that. The Redskins are still perfectly allowed to use that name, nobody is forcing them otherwise, nobody is censoring them. They simply will no longer have assistance from the government, in the form of trademark enforcement and taxpayer resources diverted to the protection of their use of a racial slur.

    In short, your offended whining about freedoms makes you look like an idiot who understands nothing going on around them.

    • Pie 5
  3. ​Ok...now you are officially an adult rather than a stupid HS student.  Congrats on achieving that milestone.

    Now, you need to start respecting women a little more than saying things like "collecting 3 bodies".  Remember that every girl out there is someone's daughter, sister, etc. 

    FYI.....your opinion on this will also change once you have a daughter and know that every boy out there wants exactly what you did when you were a teenager.  And, your job is to kill every one of them before they get a chance at your little girl.

    Just had to say this as a father of a 15 yo daughter.

    ​This is one of the first guys to always chime in with "millionaires don't rape, she was a golddigger," including in the Darren Sharper thread. I'm totally unsurprised to finally open this thread and find it is about sexism. He has a long way to go to be an adult.

  4. Some people act like Hill was competing week to week last year to try to make the 53 and get in a game. I've seen that idea repeated a lot, that he 'could never crack the lineup' last year.

    That was never the intent. He was signed to the practice squad to learn and get his fundamentals sound and compete this year. He was never intended to play in 2014 nor was he in any way competing for a roster spot.

    • Pie 1
  5. You want to take my pie and redistribute it to the masses?

    Away with all your superstitions
    Servile masses arise, arise
    We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
    And spurn the dust to win the pies.

    So comrades, come rally
    And the last fight let us face
    The Internationale unites the Huddle race.

  6. I prefer the pie to post ratio. I've been keeping my own leader board with those stats for years. 

    ​That's unfair to people who like to go through extended periods of trolling and tinderbox arguments between actually contributing. I don't know anyone like that but if there were I mean

    • Pie 1
  7. This sounds good in theory, but it will just lead to more people rushing to be the first person to post on a thread and for that response to be what they think is the most hilarious one-liner ever. Those are the posts that get the most pie, people know that and that makes the first page or two of more important discussion threads to be a little worthless.

    Just a thought.

    ​I'd much rather the first page be funny one liners than "ugh this poo again" "did this need its own thread" "ugh must be the offseason"

    • Pie 3
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