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  1. CJ Stroud is going to average out as a mid-tier QB in the long run. He has too many god awful games to truly be elite.
  2. That play was 100% caused by Ian Thomas's lack of aura.
  3. That was obvious PI if that was just a touch more catchable
  4. Off the fuging palms. This guy cannot keep stealing paychecks
  5. lmao what the fug that is an incompletion, but whatever at least it benefits us
  6. He led with his shoulder, Tremble lowered his head into the hit.
  7. Morgan investing in the o-line is the best thing to happen to this team since Cam left tbh. It feels good to not have to worry about it for once.
  8. If we win then the trade was good and justified tbh
  9. He's gone. There's absolutely zero chance he re-signs here. He didn't want to come here in the first place.
  10. Totally different offense when Chubba is back in the game
  11. XL would still be running if he caught that with his hands instead of his body
  12. If your defense is letting Miles Sanders push the pile like that you have very very serious concerns
  13. My pet conspiracy theory is that the S2 test was created on behalf of Bryce to scam the league into thinking he's a superprocessor while the dude is like me and just hits "ask Madden" every play cause he doesn't know the difference between routes
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