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Posts posted by rodeo

  1. Fire alarm has gone off in the middle of the night at the Patriots' hotel 2 out of the last 3 nights. Can you imagine if that happened at the hotel the Seahawks were at?


    Alarmgate! The NFL has zeroed in on a Patriots maid as a person of interest in this investigation. Let's go now to Mark Brunell on the set.


    *tears streaming down his face*


    "I have *sniff* survived many fire alarms *sniff* and there is no way that this could happen without Tom Brady knowing. *sniff* I am so disappointed."

  2. so rodeo...what are your thoughts on Brady's comment that he couldn't tell that the balls were deflated and your thoughts on Bellichek saying he didn't know the pre game ball selection process etc?


    serious questions...not trying to stir the poop


    Joe Theisman also said he couldn't tell the difference when he ran a test. 2 psi comes to 1 millimeter of size. Look at a ruler and see how big 1 millimeter is and think about if you could tell if a football was that much smaller in your hand.The refs obviously couldn't tell either because they were handling them all game. I think these people like Brunell and Betis who toss each other balls on ESPN and immediately say "Oh that's definitely 11 psi I can totally tell" and then break down into tears are full of poo.


    I have no idea about Bellichek. I could buy him not giving a poo about the equipment. I could also buy that he orchestrated it all and really did deflate balls.

    • Pie 1
  3. What I don't get and the question (I don't think) anyone has asked yet--Why would a lone attendant carrying 24 footballs in 2 bags stop at the rest room?  Would he not go to the restroom when he wasn't loaded down with footballs, a period that I do not imagine was to be a prolonged situation? WHen they said he did not have enough time to alter the balls (90 seconds), does that rule out that he already had a bag of altered balls in the restroom and simply switched them? The restroom is one place where there are no cameras--surely they know that.   I am not asking if it was probable, I am asking if it is possible.  Heck, that is how I would do it if I was going to play with illegal footballs.  2 identical bags, one to the refs that the Pats never intended to play with, the other doctored, placed in the men's room where a quick switch was easily possible.


    Before you dismiss this idea, remember that he filmed other teams' signals and exhibits no remorse.  Remember that Goodell (buddy and employee of Kraft) destroyed the notes and videos after his investigation into that matter, and never gave a reason for doing so.  Remember Hurney's comments.


    Yes, this is a conspiracy theory based on facts presented.  However, no alternative theory explains to me how the Colt's footballs, that underwent identical treatment, were all in compliance.  If the Patriots didn't have a history of accusations for cheating and underhanded maneuvering, then maybe they get a pass on this one--but this is the same team, same coach, etc.  that cheated before.  They deserve this scrutiny, innocent or not.


    Every team has a history of filming teams' signals, because it's still legal to film them, just not from the sidelines. You can film from the stands perfectly fine. The Patriots filmed from the sidelines a few weeks longer than other teams. Wow!!!!!! Such cheat!


    Also there have been several alternative theories why the Colts' balls were not deflated.


    1. They inflated their balls to the maximum limit, so when the temperature affected the inflation, it stayed within the legal allowance.


    2. They were the visiting team, therefore there balls were mostly outside, be it in a plane cargo area and then with the equipment manager on the field. The Pats were the home team so their balls stayed inside the warm offices for the week before the game.


    Two very simple reasons for what could have happened.


  4. I guess I can only say what I have seen over the years, and I have never seen the ball boys carry bags of footballs anywhere near a bathroom.


    And its not a typical stadium bathroom you guys are used to. Its a door with a lock and one toilet. I was in that very same bathroom in August.


    Absolutely 0 reason why anyone would take those balls in there unless it was something that he didn't want anyone to see. (lock on door, no cameras).


    There should be no situation where a Pats attendant has all 24 balls in the first place. This person was either a ref/official or there was a serious breakdown in the chain of custody. The Colts' balls go from the Colts, to the ref, to the ball official, to the Colts' ball boy, to the equipment manager, and back to the refs. They don't go to the Patriots.

  5. 98.5 The Sports Hub’s “Toucher and Rich Show” reports that the Patriots turned in their game balls slightly under-inflated and an official — presumably head referee Walt Anderson — signed off on them. The show’s source indicated that a pressure gauge was not used.




  6. So PFT is saying there's a video of a Pats locker room attendant taking all 24 (Pats balls and Colts balls) into a bathroom.


    That runs counter to everything we heard about how the chain of custody goes. It was reported that the balls go from a ref, to a uniformed football attendant, to the team's ball boys. There should be no Patriots employee who is given both team's balls.


    There is some serious breakdown here.

  7. I imagine the people who don't think this is a big deal aren't currently or never have competed in their life. you work hard to win only to have some ***** deflate footballs to get an edge. that poo is enraging to those who know what hard work is like


    Looks like you missed the slew of NFL players saying it's no big deal. And Schefter saying the NFL coaches he asked seemed insulted that anyone would consider it a big deal.

  8. I totally agree with you but since I don't know for sure, I'll concede the point was made until the report comes out.


    I really hope the report comes out before the Super Bowl, so it can be settled one way or another. If the Patriots win it'll be utterly tainted if they haven't released a report yet. And it would be even worse if they release a report a week later and are found guilty.

    • Pie 1
  9. The more this bullshit drags on, the more I am believing this whole ball deflating ordeal is nothing but a distraction orchestrated by the league in order that the names Rice, Peterson, and Hardy are not pushed just to the back burner, but completely off of the stove.  The media has bought into it hook, line, and sinker so far.


    It baffles me how the NFL is like the reverse MLB.


    In baseball, if a pitcher messes with a ball, puts tar, whatever on it, it's a fine, a warning, basically a slap on the wrist. However if someone gets busted on PEDs it's a fuging huge deal, the media runs with it and there are monumental penalties.


    However in the NFL, we have a Super Bowl team busted for PEDs 7 times in a few years, and the league and media couldn't care less. However a team potentially tampering with balls and we have people calling for a lifetime ban.


    Really messed up priorities.

  10. I would have hoped the NFL would have squashed this thing right away if this would have been the case.

    Colts measured legal but showed same rate of psi lost as the Patriots balls that measured below NFL standards.

    I think the NFL would have been happy to end this right away if that was the case.


    That would mean they had a record of the psi before the game, though, which is something I question. According to a former ball boy for the Bears he never saw them actually measure psi, only give the old palm test and check the laces before approving them.

  11. Hilarious and still confirmation bias,.. if you even know what that means,...


    I can do that too-- and yes I am a true fan-- because this is all ridiculous to me. 




    Read em and weep smalls,.....


    And theres plenty more where that came from--- so keep it up and ill biach slap you every time. Maybe instead of smoking cigars you could use the money instead to go back to school?


    there's really no need for this sort of attitude, dude.

  12. Our problem is that we are using fact, logic and reason to argue with two people who have no interest in using them. We could hypothetically have video evidence of belicheck and Brady personally deflating the balls and they'd still argue with us.


    I'll remember this complete impartiality when the results reveal no tampering. I'm sure you'll say "Very well then, the Patriots are not cheaters."

  13. Sure.  My only question to BB about his theory and research would be, "Why were all the balls not uniform?"  In other words, 1 ball was in compliance.  One ball was not exposed to the treatments and barometric pressure (sarcasm) he so unscientifically tried to explain to us.  Was that ball kept indoors?  Was it not roughed up? 


    Maybe it was the kicking ball, and it makes sense that it would be inflated to the max.  However, nobody said that--I am just trying to anticipate his answer.


    Or it could have been at the bottom of the stack and insulated. Things aren't always uniform like that.

  14. Nice try but that's not true Fanboy.....The temp at game time was around 51 degrees which isn't cold enough for balls to deflate. Plus, oddly enough 0 out of 12 Colts balls deflated due to the weather - yet 11 out of 12 Patriots balls lost 2 psi of pressure.

    I included a link to prove you're talking out your anus. Don't come in here with this weak sauce and think it's not going to end up making you look foolish.



    Have they said Colts balls weren't deflated at all, or did they say they were legal? If the Colts balls were inflated to the max, and Patriots balls were inflated to the min, then if they both deflated 2psi the Colts balls would still be legal whereas Patriots would not.

  15. I'm going back to the press conferences....I have a really hard time thinking Billycheat was telling the truth when he said he knew nothing of the process and Brady when he said he couldn't feel any difference...those two things just jump right out at me.  People don't lie unless they are trying to hide something.


    But let me guess, you'd totally believe Pete Carroll if he denied a culture of PEDs since he took over in Seattle.

  16. Wrong again. I've spent years on personal reflection to be as unbiased as possible. you'd be surprised how approaching every argument or problem while being completely objective will get you much farther ahead in life. Upon this reflection I've substituted the Patriots with another team, the titans, a team I am completely indifferent to. The result (my opinion) was the same. Cheating is cheating and the team should lose draft pick/s.

    You admitting to being biased makes your argument even that much worse, which is saying a lot as it was pretty terrible to begin with.


    lol ok

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