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Posts posted by rodeo

  1. Everyone's opinions are biased. That's what humans do. Nobody in this thread is looking at the situation and saying "Oh yes I am utterly objective." As Panthers fans your opinion is going to be colored already.


    I'm a Panthers fan, 100%. The Patriots aren't even any sort of 'second team' to me, go back and find gameday threads from when we've played them, I cheer as hard as for any other game. Ted Ginn burning them in 2013 was my favorite moment of the past few years.


    Some matters I want to defend them on and I'm not objective. That's.... really not a big deal.

    • Pie 1
  2. This could very well be true...if it is, I wouldn't fault the Patriots at all. From what I read, the NFL had been notified before the game and the refs planned to check the Patriots balls at halftime. If this was the basic plan by the NFL, I would bet they meticulously tested those balls to have accurate record of any changes that may have occurred. This is one of those speculative things that needs be judged after the report comes out. Aaron Rogers was complaining about the refs deflating his balls so your Bears ball boy comment about refs not measuring anything doesn't carry much weight since Rogers himself disputes that.

    Why are you so compelled to defend the Patriots in such a vigorous way? You seem to go beyond the objective onlooker to where you're obviously biased in your opinion. It seems odd watching a Panther fan be so passionate towards defending another team.


    I had a cousin on the Patriots from 2005-2008.

    • Pie 1
  3. ESPN released a story prematurely based on "Mortenson's anonymous sources". First it was D'qwell Jackson who called the ball boy over to say the ball seemed flat. Then Jackson comes out and says he has no idea where that came from and the only thing he said was to hold on to the ball for him. Then out comes the fact that the Raven's "tipped off" the Colts about light balls. Also unsubstantiated but would explain why the ball boy immediately took the ball and tested it.


    In my unprofessional and underqualified, yet logical, opinion, ESPN jumped the gun on reporting false information and created a media poo storm that is easy enough to continue because of the two people that are believed to be responsible. But the balls are tested, and Tom Brady isn't able to go check out the balls on the sideline. The NFL has cameras everywhere and not one caught a ball being deflated on the sideline much less 11.


    Hypothesis: The referees never fully checked the pressure in the balls pregame and allowed the game to be played regardless until it was brought to their attention by the Colts brass. Similar to Rodgers over inflating balls to increase velocity, Brady may like decreased pressure because he is more of a finesse guy.


    Ultimately, it is all preference and the notion that "Everybody does it" may not be totally incorrect in this case. Somebody screwed up in measuring the pressure pregame and now ESPN is running with the narrative they started to save face. While declaring Brady come clean about "cheating", ESPN needs to come clean about faulty journalism and falsifying news. The 21st-century sports version of "Yellow Journalism" at its finest.


    Not only unsubstantiated, but Harbaugh has flat denied it.


    • Pie 1
  4. Whoooooaaaaaaa now.


    Easy jumping to conclusions before all the information is released, Mr. “I’m gonna act all snarky at everyone jumping to conclusions before all the infomation is released.”


    Your gotcha game needs as much work as your reading comprehension. When someone says a phrase like 'most likely scenario' or similar it's usually an indication that it's a theory, not a conclusion.


  5. You find Brunnell more credible than Marino or Theismann? Really? Not a one of you have a brain region that allows you to challenge the media, especially ESPN, who is unanimously disliked around here for all things Panthers related and their analysts.

    But when it comes to the Patriots they must be right. You can't have it both ways. And as someone pointed out, the Packers have been caught over inflating balls.


    i'm not sure if you're replying to the wrong post, but I don't find Brunell credible at all. The guy blew through 50 million dollars and is now bankrupt, he's a fugin moron.


    When Theisman runs an independent test and can't tell the difference between the balls, then Brunell and Jerome "Embarrassed by the Patriots" Bettis stand on the ESPN set and toss a football to each other and say "Oh yeah definitely that's 11 psi, I can totally tell," they're feeding you the biggest line of horse poo.

    • Pie 2
  6. At this point from what I've seen, the most likely scenario is that the balls were improperly tested in the pre-game approval.


    Adam Schefter has reported that the league is having trouble finding any evidence of tampering, despite over 50 cameras in the area.


    Combined with a former Bears ball boy coming out and saying that most often the pregame inspection consisted of the refs holding the footballs and looking at the laces, without actually measuring anything, and that in all his time as a ball boy the refs didn't reject a single ball.


    I think what is gonna end up being the case is that the Patriots deflated the balls before the pre-game, in the same manner that the Packers overinflate theirs, and the refs failed to properly test them before approving them for use.

  7. You can tell the biased patriot supporters because they are rolling with a different story now. First it was blown out of proportion story and there was no deflation, just whining from other fans. Then once the balls were confirmed deflated it was the weather that deflated the balls. Once that was proven false by the fact none of the colts balls were deflated their argument turned into something else. There's no winning with these clowns.

    If somehow they turn up proof, I hope they lose a 1st and 2nd round pick. Nothing more, nothing less.


    Apparently every NFL player and coach to have made a comment on the issue is a biased Patriots supporter.


  8. That would be nice except your video doesn't support that claim. Anybody that wants to read back a few pages will see you're making it up as you go along. You have nothing that supports what you say. You were even wrong about the process in place to check balls by the NFL before a game yet.....you posted as if you knew. I posted a link to the actual process that disputes what you said. Where did your info come from? I'll make sure I wait for that link even though I'll be waiting a long, long, time.


    Right. A video of Phil Simms talking about how the Packers overinflate footballs beyond the legal limit doesn't support any claim. Maybe I have a stroke every time I hear it and pick up different words than you.


    My sources for the process to check balls was an article by Peter King and a screenshot of the NFL rulebook posted in this thread. They inspect each ball for inflation 2 hours before the game, then give the balls to the sidelines at game time.



  9. A good sign that this is agenda driven.


    The guy who broke this story confirms a report that the Baltimore kickers were concerned about balls in the NE game.



    Bob KravitzVerified account @bkravitz

    Confirming @JasonLaCanfora story I was also told Balt kickers were concerned about footballs in NE game.


    Except, Harbaugh says it's not true, all the balls were fine against Baltimore, and in fact the team doesn't even have access to the balls used by kickers.


    In other words, people are making poo up.

  10. You're statement isn't backed up by your video. The balls are only inspected for weight and psi before the game. That's the only time air would be added or removed by a referee. No one has indicated the balls were altered after "deemed ready for play" before the game as you suggest.


    The teams don't get the balls until after they're deemed ready for play by the refs. The refs inspect the balls 2 hours before the game, approve them, then give them to the teams on the sideline. That's when the tampering takes place, then they're put into play by the refs, who again inspect the ball before it's fielded. That's when they've caught the Packers overinflating balls and had to let air out.

  11. http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/12201369/aaron-rodgers-green-bay-packers-upset-referees-take-air-footballs

    I think common sense would indicate the balls are deflated by the refs during pregame inspection, which is precisely what Rogers is complaining about. I see no indication of the Packers altering the PSI of of balls after they are deemed legal for play. How is that cheating? The Pats are accused of tampering with balls after NFL inspection. Thats a pretty big distinction that you seem to overlook.



    The refs inflate the balls, give them to the Packers who then inflate them more, beyond the legal limit. Cheating. Then when the refs notice they let fix it and let the extra air out.


    It's literally the exact same situation except apparently the refs didn't notice (or did and didn't care) and played these underinflated balls from the Patriots.

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