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Posts posted by rodeo

  1. I don't think it's set in stone yet. There was also a blurb that it was ultimately up to Dan and D.B. and I took it, at this point, that there would still be a chance even if there didn't appear to be one.

    It could also be some epic trolling.


    That said, if they've found out from GRRM that LS is basically a go-nowhere character down the road that is ultimately unimportant to the story, then I figure they will indeed leave her out.


    I mean really, all us book readers know at this point is that she hung some Freys and Brienne and Pod. They could have Pod killed off on the show and have something else happen to guide Brienne's storyline. I won't get as worked up over a zombie Cat getting excluded as I will about Euron or Victarion. I think Arya is going to be the character (in the books and in the show) that gets the dark retribution that UnCat seems to placate.


    The place I always assumed they were going with the story is that Brienne takes over as leader of the Brotherhood after they realize how evil LSH is and double-kill her.


    She could easily still end up with them without LSH in the picture. Why else would they even have them in the show in season 3 if they'll never come up again?


  2. To be fair though, Black Widow's outfit is pretty true to the comics/  And she's not the icon Wonder Woman is.


    Remember the recent attempt at a Wonder Woman TV series without the traditional outfit?  It never even got the pilot aired.


    That show got canceled because it was bad, not because of the outfit. When they were first making an X-Men movie and Wolverine wasn't in yellow spandex with a mask people said it was going to bomb.


    Nobody really cares about Wonder Woman's outfit. They want a good movie.


    Kill Bill, Haywire, Salt, Hunger Games, a million Resident Evils, female-lead action movies are not a big deal to anyone except old people anymore.

  3. You do Wonder Woman as she was originally conceived (hot chick with superpowers in skimpy outfit) and you anger all the feminists.


    You do Wonder Woman like the feminists would want (star of a Lifetime original movie with superpowers) and nobody in your target audience will pay to see it.


    So whadda ya do?


    Make a good action movie with a female lead. fuging simple.

  4. Which is so fuging stupid. I hate how women say they are discriminated against when poo like this happens and studies are done showing people are more compassionate towards women and all that. People are more sexist towards guys then they are girls

    Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle



    And why can't I use the n word it's a double standard seriously

    • Pie 2
  5. Still reading ADWD, but was wondering if someone is permanently warg'd into Mormont's Raven. Apologize if this has already been discussed in this thread. Not going to start at the thread beginning.


    I don't know, but here's a tidbit for you that might help clear things up for you.


    Mormont's raven says "corn" but he might not be saying what you think. Cob corn, or as the natives called it "maize" doesn't exist in Westeros. At that point in history, all cereal grains were referred to as corn. The raven is actually asking for rye or wheat.


    I know what you're thinking now, though. In the scene where the wildlings wipe out the village north near the wall, the boy and his father talk about eating potatoes. How do they have potatoes, a new world food, but not maize, another new world food?


    Well that's because the writers are idiots.


    I hope this answers your questions.

    • Pie 2
  6. I've never seen a rookie play like Klein from the start except for the other two LBs out there with him. There are others but I'm just talking LBs.


    TD certainly didn't perform at that level from the start. He was a converted safety and went through some major growing pains. He made it to where he is through work.

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