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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. Atlanta fans can sit back and see how much better we are than their pansy ass team
  2. Wait I thought we were supposed to be scared of Philly's defense?
  3. if you leave alive and disease free you'll be lucky. I wouldn't ever be around that many eagles fans
  4. Forgot we were going to have to suffer through costas and collinsworth. fug I hate those guys so much
  5. Hey Jeremy I was the guy with th beard that checked you out at Academy when you got this ball yesterday. I wanted to say hey but got nervous like a middle school girl around her crush. Just a little star struck I guess.
  6. So that is why you got that ball at Academy Sports the other day Jeremy. I was the guy that rang you up on the register. With the beard. :p
  7. do you not have your own board to go talk on? Congrats on beating another shitty ass team
  8. no but they should have if the Redskins didn't suck balls
  9. he's not going to do that poo on our run defense.
  10. god I hate the falcons. Easiest schedule in the nfl and barely beat all these terrible teams
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