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About Daddy_Uncle

  • Birthday 12/25/1989

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  1. Need depth at center. It hurt us last year with williams hurt
  2. We have a very good and young starting lineup that can compete with anyone if they stay healthy. Depth will be a concern at some positions
  3. lol would not surprise me
  4. I thought things would be better with new owners, gm and coach. Guess not
  5. Trying to get a miles replacement.
  6. I'll take Donovan Clingan
  7. Castle also refused to workout for the Hornets
  8. Can't believe fox thinks anyone wants to listen to Bradys whiney bitch ass
  9. So the jaguars are building the "stadium of the future"for roughly the same cost
  10. Gonna be weird seeing a roof over the stadium
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