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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. No. I don’t consider that a boarding. Was a clean hit from past the red line.
  2. Alright. Im here now. Let’s do it. Vanecek in net.
  3. nobody asked Rod about lines so I assume they are unchanged. Our 4 has to be on point this afternoon they will be tested by all 4 of the devils lines. Don’t be afraid to take the penalty if you get beat boys. Let our PK do their thing.
  4. The refs in this game are absolute garbage. No control over those fights at all. And I’ve seen at least 3 missed icing.
  5. Kinda surprised by this one. They just brought him in what, last season? Two playoff appearances and out?
  6. It is still blowing my mind the game Martinook and Fasty had last night. Those dudes were dialed in.
  7. That stat block was much more canes than previous playoff stat blocks.
  8. Did they really just show a workout video from rod?
  9. Ya. I’d like to see us take 3 instead of(or with) 4 this series.
  10. Wednesday definitely took the cake. Tonight Fasty and Martinook kept us level. A less complete game even though we got more goals and less high danger on our net. Fasty better have a pharaoh style platform he’s carried around on until we go on Sunday. That dude was up and down the ice more than I think I’ve even seen him do before.
  11. Also I gotta say, though the devils had more shots tonight. They had hardly any high danger shots.
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