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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. It’s how old now? Even with upgrades it’s never felt like it had a true renovation. Safety poo JR got the city to pay for sure. But a bare bones tear down. Nah.
  2. I get you don’t like being exposed. But not all stadiums are in the same condition. BOA sucks ass. Let’s all admit that. Do I disagree that the tax payers shouldn’t be on the hook for it. But read the follow up post before you get your panties all in a bunch.
  3. If you account for simple inflation back to ‘04 $745,155,780 is what they are asking for. Only half of Jerry world. While we can agree the entire notion is bullshit and shouldn’t be on tax payers, your portrayal of it is nearly equal bullshit.
  4. Not really what you are trying to portray under current economic conditions mixed with inflation. While I agree the price is high for anything next to a complete renovation. You aren’t factoring in inflation, especially current day inflation and price of material and labor. So you are either intentionally or unintentionally misplacing.
  5. They are playing an almost carbon copy of how we play with a little less digging in behind the nets.
  6. Florida is a far better team than most give them credit for.
  7. It was probably @Panthers Fan 69 stealing your style.
  8. I’m pretty sure only one person, maybe none on the desk last night voted for the canes.
  9. How can you say the refs fuged your over? Besides the first two matching tripping penalties it seemed like a pretty well called no call game.
  10. One important stat that is often buried away. Look at our TOI. Compared to the devils or especially the other two teams last night. Only KK was even getting close to 18 minutes and pool was our lowest at 12:45. Shared ice time and shows our 4th line was out there against their other lines some of the time. Keep those legs fresh.
  11. If I was a player I’d be pissed at how much they wrecked the ice.
  12. Shouldn’t their “storm siren” be a “dealer taking all your money and you getting punched out by a hooker, ballet style.”
  13. Ok someone needs to fix the lighting on Shane on bench crew. Jarvis on point in his interview, I mean 100% dialed in. He knows this is still the first period.
  14. And there we go, devils laying down on canes players.
  15. They are going to go van in game two. Rod has this poo on lock.
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