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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. They had 3 months to up those stockpiles man. That’s the point.
  2. You are entirely missing the point, dude. I literally said we had months after we knew about a possible pandemic to stockpile those supplies and we didn’t because there wasn’t a CDC control on what was going on. How is this not getting through to you?
  3. I’m not making it political as you would note from the first post I made on the subject. I wasn’t just implying America in fact but the world outside of SK&Japan. But what you quoted just now is a fact. If we(as a world) had been preparing since December/January we wouldn’t be in this mess right now. In America, It was the current administration who cut the the CDC budget & staff. Then when faced by this did absolutely nothing to prepare here before it was to late.
  4. Obama had mechanisms in place. Trump removed those mechanisms. We had months since we found out about a pandemic sweeping China we did nothing. There isn’t anything else to it.
  5. RumGone clearly stated he’s following cases of completely healthy people in this bracket. So what’s your point again? I don’t understand what you feel like your trying to accomplish. We know perfectly healthy people can end up intubated or on HL machines from this.
  6. Not great by our standards Obviously, but they did have 7,000 people working on it. I’m assuming the shifts were 7-12’s(16 for some maybe) since I’m sure they work camped them. But I bet they got paid out the ass.
  7. Are you trying to make a actual point? Or?
  8. We had months to prepare medical equipment, staff, stockpiles of goods and everyone to the reality of this. Nobody did it. And hell let’s say it didn’t happen, the market might have plinked down a thousand or so but we would have had a serious goods supply if it raged back in the fall. I mean FFS China built a 1,500 person hospital in 10 days.
  9. Ya agreed, in fact it says. “The report did not say whether the patients had underlying risk factors such as a chronic illness or compromised immune systems, so it's unclear whether the younger adults hospitalized were more vulnerable to serious infection than others.” was just trying to back up the point you were making that young people aren’t invincible to this.
  10. “Up to 20% of people hospitalized with coronavirus in the United States are young adults between ages 20 to 44, a new federal study shows. While the risk of dying was significantly higher in older people, the report issued Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows younger people are making up a big portion of hospitalizations.”
  11. Well that’s just sad. Who’s going to operate it?
  12. What aren’t you understanding about they offer 5 times the protection as no mask? It’s no N95 or respirator but it still does something. Especially worn on a sick person.
  13. They offer five times the protection than no mask.
  14. This is what China was doing at their supermarkets.
  15. China controlled it in 2 1/2 months after they let the cat out of the bag. But they have known about since late November early December. We started in earnest mid March. So we are probably looking at May/June. The issue being a cold is they usually come raging back in fall/winter worse than the year before.
  16. That’s not entirely true. Fox News aside the MSM has been warming of this virus since it hit China. It was our people and government that chose to ignore it until it was to late. Than again not having a pandemic response team to act proactively instead of reactively really screwed us.
  17. Ya it was from the government asking for them to be turned over to hospitals. I can’t remember if it was NC or Fed. I’ll look it up in a bit.
  18. We don’t tend to keep masks at the rate Asian countries and big cities do. They are probably all shipped to and stockpiled at hospitals around the state. Fun fact, N95 and construction masks will work too. We are actually at such of a shortage of masks the government is asking for construction companies to donate their N95 to hospitals. You gotta think. You interact with a patient who has COVID-19 you can’t just walk into the next patients room wearing the same mask.
  19. No Non-essential travel. It’s not a full out curfew but it is close.
  20. We already have our own thread too!
  21. Oh boy this is worse than the TB.
  22. Isn’t that a tekken character?
  23. Come on into the TB, lets discuss.
  24. Depends on how serious things get over the next week or so. It could quite possibly just be teams calling players at home. No televised event at all.
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