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Mr. Scot

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Posts posted by Mr. Scot

  1. drollnation-awkward-family-photos-15740.jpg

    Californian, or at the very least a big USC fan.

    Looking at the color of the end zone on-screen, I thought he was a West Virginia fan, but the lettering, the t-shirt and the helmets tell another story.

    The pic above...seriously what? :unsure:

  2. From the best worst MST3K evah. Manos: The Hands of Fate


    "Torgo" killed himself, if I remember right :sosp:

    Wost movie ever on MST might be worth it's own thread, but "Manos" would probably win hands down.

    Second worst might be more competitive (I'd vote "Monster a Go Go" myself).

  3. This 19 year old ex-cheerleader (now an Air Force Security Forces Sniper)

    was watching a road that led to a NATO military base when she observed

    a man digging by the road. She engaged the target (i.e., she shot him). It

    turned out he was a bomb maker for the Taliban, and he was burying an

    IED that was to be detonated when a US patrol walked by 30 minutes later.

    It would have certainly killed and wounded several soldiers.

    The interesting fact of this story is the shot was measured at 725 yards.

    She shot him as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot went through

    his butt and into the bomb which detonated; he was blown to pieces.

    That's a shot longer than 7 football fields.

    The last thing that came out of his mouth...was his ass!

    The Air Force made a motivational poster of her:

    Heck of a story there.

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