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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. So they couldn't overturn it because they couldn't see it. Just like the officials couldn't fuging see it.
  2. No way he didn't get that first down. No fuging way.
  3. I'm very pleased with the play calling so far. The only things that have stalled us out so far are dropped passes and missed fg.
  4. Love hearing the Luuuuuuke cheer on the road.
  5. We need to win our first 5 or 6 games so we can get the "A" team calling our games. #nomorerhonda
  6. 3 and out. Get used to it bitches in ugly helmets.
  7. CAP gonna have 100 yards tonight. By halftime.. Injuries: Gonna happen. Still too many damn preseason games.
  8. Corey caught a pass and CAP is badass. I've seen all I need to see.
  9. Better job tonight of getting plays in and not having to snap at the last minute. There's something.
  10. Mixing it up nicely on this drive. Gah....another fuging penalty.
  11. Wouldn't have been third down if we hadn't overthrown the receiver. Draw play with Tolbert isn't bad. Special teams coverage still awful.
  12. How the fug was that not a hold? Nice play anyway Ealy. Very nice.
  13. The best thing I can say about Rucker as a commentator is he was a heck of a football player.
  14. Got to find someone to plug that middle and get some push without KK and Star.
  15. First series- Cam overthrows...would have been a first down. On third down he may have been able to run but obviously not during a preseason game. Oher didn't give up a sack, and we are playing without J-Stew. No worries.
  16. Is there a link to the chatroom? I can't find it anywhere.
  17. Is it Friday night yet?? Thanks for the camp reports. I haven't been able to make it down to camp so it's been awesome reading these reports and seeing the great images captured.
  18. If he had used a towel the national media would have said "oh no, there's the old Cam again. Towel on his head when things aren't going well".
  19. Can any of those three guys help via special teams in any way except returns? That'd be something to consider as well (as I'm sure the coaches will do). But it'll be fun to watch regardless as the real bullets start flying!
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