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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. Wilson is the next Matt Cassel. His success on a loaded team will get him paid, and then he'll flame out on a struggling team.
  2. Thank your for proving that you are, in fact a 9 year old douche bag.
  3. what the fug kind of name is Gil anyway, it's one letter short of being part of a fish. ghey.
  4. most people already call them that anyway, so they might as well make the change.
  5. yes it's a private business, but it's one that is large enough and influential enough that it creates culture change. the win win would be for the gomment to allow the free speech, but for Snyder to do the right thing and admit the name is not representative of his organization. by keeping the name, he is upholding free speech, which is important, but he is doing it at a price which is equally destructive to our culture.
  6. Cherokee lived further South than Ohio and way West of DC. Cleveland's mascot is most likely Shawnee, and the DC mascot is likely Piscataway. BTW...I'd be ecstatic if they renamed it to the Washington Picts, and all ran around naked cranked up on meth, with blue tattoos on their faces.
  7. just change their name to the Potomac River Basin Indigenous Persons. then everyone's happy.
  8. probably just some hack with a website spoutin poo.
  9. phhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttt!!!!!!!!!
  10. so...Grayson is going to learn from Aaron Rodgers? are they going to loan him out for the year, like junior year abroad in college?
  11. anyone have a problem with the fact that he said he was told to "lead" her? wtf, is this 1950? get over yourself, douche.
  12. women's soccer thread bringing out the sandy vagina in everyone btw...Lloyd is totally getting her dick sucked tonight.
  13. every time someone says something like this, 6 months later the player in question flames out. keep on hatin...our FO is kicking ass and taking names.
  14. sorry, can't hear you from the two giant breasteses covering my ears.
  15. is this one of those cases where it's ok to directly insult a poster?
  16. sounded like Harbaugh didn't want to be there from the beginning. He must have had to poop.
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