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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. i wish they would give us a countdown so we know how long we have to watch this crap
  2. can’t stand greenie, gonna stay far away from that ESPN crew
  3. Bryce Young has to be excited that he’ll be the number 1 pick in just over an hour
  4. Canes game 6 tomorrow. No NHL games of consequence tonight.
  5. dude, you’re really locked in on Young at #1. i’ve heard that’s a risky pick.
  6. i think his on field performances shown by years worth of game video has something to do with it. btw…his “practicing” the test since high school means he’s been developing the skills that are tested, which translate to his ability to perform on the field. it’s not like he’s learning facts, he’s developing cognitive abilities that make him a better player.
  7. that would be hilarious if he told the seahawks that in an interview
  8. they could have all very well signed an agreement to sell jerseys as part of entering the draft
  9. for reals? oops! though it’s probably more like the hats and confetti at the end of the super bowl. they have all options prepared, and bring out the ones that they need when it’s over.
  10. somehow i doubt there’s going to be any lull in the absurdity just because it’s a day and a half before our pick. i’m assuming it will continue all day today, tomorrow, and for the next few years, regardless of what happens on the field.
  11. seriously, i’m confused about this thread. is there something going on today?
  12. are you so privileged that the draft starts a day early for you? is there some secret code to get early access we don’t know about?
  13. no way QB needy teams just sit their idly and let them fall outside of the top 10. they will move up before someone else does.
  14. so again, the pre-draft rankings are irrelevant. glad we agree on that.
  15. so the idea that they weren’t considered 1st round talent pre-draft is irrelevant. if you think you have a future great, you take him.
  16. if a young Brees or Wilson were in this draft, would you take him at 1 knowing what he’d become? i sure af would. btw Brees was taken just outside the first round
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