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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. my first thought is that there's a dirty sanchez involved somewhere
  2. Power Rangers vs Transformers with Starbuck thrown in for good measure. Just need to add in a Terminator, and they've got em all in there.
  3. just the fact that he had to have an interview shows his attention hoe side, but flinging mud during it was unnecessary and childish. instead of walking off into the sunset, he threw a fit and slammed the door.
  4. no, we're calling petty and sad that he's airing out on national media after being released. he has a problem with the FO, and should have dealt with the FO. don't air your dirty laundry on the way out. that's childish and petty. still one of my favorite panthers of all time, and I will wear his jersey proudly.
  5. but there's still no need to bring it up now. looks like whining. puts a sour note on a beloved player.
  6. there you go. I guess DG has a plan he's about to put into motion.
  7. posting this in all of the DeAngelo William threads, because he deserves it: one of my favorite stats about Williams - 1,432 career rushes - 9 fumbles (2008 273 rushes - 0 fumbles) (2011 155 rushes - 0 fumbles) 1,655 total touches - 12 fumbles (10 lost) (2008 295 total touches - 0 fumbles!!!!) most fumbles in any season was 3. Unbelievable ball security.
  8. look at that...people getting butthurt over who started a thread made me pie a post by TheRed. I feel dirty.
  9. looks like everyone who said he was overpaid was right.
  10. what did Lola vote on the length/girth question?
  11. one of my favorite panthers all time. will be bittersweet to watch him finish out his career in a different uniform.
  12. I guess I depends on if you feed the roomba before your dog, and if you let the roomba sit next to you on the couch.
  13. anyone upset by that video is retarded, and I hope they get offended by that too. they kicked the robot to demonstrate a feature that it can regain its balance. anthropomorphising a robot is for small minds.
  14. They added one on the strip last summer. It's in the Flamingo. place is awesome.
  15. he will almost certainly be there at 25, and just as certainly still be there at 26. No effin way we go near him.
  16. those would look awesome with an all black uniform
  17. hash house a go-go waffles with bacon inside: my other option was to say Arsen's balls, but all of this talk about bacon changed my mind.
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