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Posts posted by R0CKnR0LLA

  1. 11 minutes ago, Xtreme said:

    And like I said, if they're wearing a mask, but then go on to touch the door down the freezer aisle which is riddled with germs, then go on to touch their debit card, their phone, then wearing a mask becomes pointless. They're still spreading their germs and potentially the virus. I don't do any of those things. I take more precautions than most, except wearing a mask because the straps hurt my ears. 

    No, wearing a mask is not pointless. It makes a significant difference in transmission in every single study that's been conducted. Yeah, you should keep your hands disinfected too. It's not one or the other and would be a logical fallacy to look at is as such.

    Your statement that "I do my part, more than most" isn't true when compared to the rest of the world. You're doing less than every single one of the 100+ million people where I live. You're not following the most simple basic guidelines.

    And LOL at "the straps hurt my ears", I couldn't help but bust out laughing. Suck it up buttercup.

    • Beer 1
  2. Wearing a mask definitely helps, this has been studied extensively. You should do it, as should everyone. I don't know why you need to add some separate qualifier to it. Yeah, you should disinfect your hands ALSO.

    Talking to my parents and several of my friends still in the US, they said that (in NC at least) whenever they go out nobody is wearing a mask, nobody is distancing. It's just crazy, these are very simple things you can do, and yes they make a significant impact.

    This stuff really isn't that hard, stop acting like spoiled children people.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Xtreme said:

    Cry more

    Oh, and I will, get mad. 

    Well luckily I am not in the US. 

    Where I'm at has 1/3 the population of the US, but 700 deaths instead of 90,000+. The US routinely has more deaths in a single day than we have had this entire time.

    But here we actually take it seriously, 100% of people wear masks at the bare minimum.

    Unlike you spoiled man children in the US that can't be bothered even as thousands die.

    And OF COURSE your response to someone trying to explain this all to you and actually help you is "hurr hurr cry more hurr hurr get mad"

  4. What is this "cover my mouth when needed" stuff. I asked if you wear a mask, such a weird answer.

    And what is this "but muh county" crap. This is a global pandemic, just because it hasn't hit your area YET doesn't mean you shouldn't be... hey you know what just forget it you're not worth trying to explain this too

    Go to the lake, the mall, go get your haircut, hit up the gym and then hit up Ruby Tuesdays and of course don't take two seconds to wear a mask, enjoy!

  5. 2 minutes ago, Xtreme said:

    I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who wants to argue with me about this. If you're worried about the virus, then stay your butt home. No one is forcing you to leave your house. Several states are opening up and many more will follow whether you like it or not. Memorial Day weekend is coming up, I'm heading to the lake to enjoy myself. You can stay home and obsess over this virus some more. 

    So I asked why you thought things will go back to 100% normal in a month.

    You said people aren't dying anymore, I pointed out that this is completely untrue, and your response is "whatever man I'm just going to do what I want anyway".

    Let me take a wild guess, you can't be bothered to wear a mask either.


    • Beer 1
  6. Apparently the "plan" is to go on as normal and ignore the fact that we're in the midst of a global pandemic. Enjoy your Outback bloomin onion, just ignore the pile of bodies in the corner.

    Honestly, what the hell is wrong with people in the US. So many can't even be bothered to put on a mask which takes all of 2 seconds. Bunch of spoiled children.

    • Pie 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, Xtreme said:

    Thousands aren't dying every day anymore and my state had zero COVID-19 deaths a few days ago. But had single digits the past two days. The virus isn't going anywhere but will be less of an impact in the summer. Are we suppose to keep everything closed indefinitely? Is everyone suppose to put their lives on hold indefinitely? If you're a high-risk candidate to catch the virus, then stay home. 

    10,000 died in a single week, now you're just ignoring facts.

  8. 4 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I just chuckle when I see this "assuming there's not a second wave" stuff.

    Folks... the second wave in the fall isn't an odds thing. It's inevitable. IT WILL HAPPEN. It'll be worse because it'll start at the very beginning of cold/flu season, not in late January halfway through cold/flu season. And it'll be starting with a good foothold, not from zero cases.

    Everyone should wrap their minds around this right now. I'm just concerned that dumbasses are going to be shocked by this when it happens and there's going to be pandemonium when this poo comes roaring back in the fall. It's going to happen.

    It's weird to hear people keep referring to it as waves. A wave refers to a big spike and then a fall back down to zero (or close to zero), like an inverted V. We were ramping up exponentially, then with lockdown measures that leveled off (although still kept slowly rising). Taking that away you're just going to return to the exponential increases in cases again. Nothing about that resembles a wave, or second wave.

  9. 8 minutes ago, stirs said:

    In this scenario, does not look like the closing of Applebee's deterred anything

    Wrong, the quarantine measures very clearly stopped the exponential growth of cases.

  10. Thousands dead every day, and the Applebee's is closed.

    ...and now...

    Thousands dead every day, and the Applebee's is back open.

    WOOHOO! Everything is back to normal guys!

    • Pie 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Xtreme said:

    I wasn't referring to the entire country, just my state in particular. We're basically almost normal now. You can eat outside at restaurants, barbers, salons, gyms are all open. The malls are open and most department stores. State officials will wait and see how things go from here and if there isn't a second wave, they will probably start allowing dine-in services and most everything else. We'll have to learn to live with the virus. Take the Sweden approach, herd immunity and whatnot. Sunlight kills the virus so things will start to calm down for now. But once October rolls around again, then things will get interesting. People aren't going to go full lockdown again. But like I previously said, boost your immune system, keep your hands clean and cover your mouth.  

    So you meant "100% back to normal" as far as what stores are open for you to go to, not that the virus is actually taken care of and we're not looking at thousands dead every single day. Okay then.

  12. 15 hours ago, Xtreme said:

    I say by mid June, we should be 100% back to normal, assuming there isn't a second wave. 

    Not sure why you think that. We're not going to have a cure a month from now. We're not going to have a vaccine a month from now. The virus isn't going to magically go away, it will be just as widespread if not more so. It will be just as deadly as it is now.

    What exactly are you expecting to change?

  13. 5 hours ago, Proudiddy said:

    Just read an article today that said in SK, they are now seeing a wave of recovered patients who were testing negative "relapse" and are now testing positive and developing symptoms again.  This is crazy....


  14. If you look at projection models, delaying a proper response by one DAY leads to a massive difference in infected cases. That's how exponential growth works. How many weeks (or months) did we sit around doing nothing?

    The US response has been amongst the worst in the world. Compare it to what South Korea has done, it's night and day.

    This is has literally gotten my fellow Americans killed. At least now we seem to finally be taking this seriously, but it will still never undo the damage already done. And don't tell me not "get political" by criticizing the goverments garbage response for one of the very things we all pay them money and depend on them for in the first place.

  15. 2 hours ago, Devil Doc said:

    I am a little more optimistic than most people, and I downplay the Virus Alot. It is not because I don't think it is serious, I just don't think it is a serious as they say it is.  The President had positive thoughts, and positive outcomes, which is why he said the things he did. Once he realized that it is a little worse than he expected, he has changed his tune. The projections, change everyday. I am skeptical it will be above 50K Deaths, 2 weeks ago I said 20K deaths. Which we are at ~17K deaths in the US now. If the current projections are true, the peak will be next week for majority of the US. I am not a fan of the media's narrative of Doom and Gloom, and mass hysteria and mass death. I look at it, well so far, our deaths are not bad, could have been worse, here is the positive side of things ~26K have recovered from the Virus. I understand Trump is a different color of character than we are used to, and I know many people hate him. I understand that, but to turn this Virus into a caveat is not really an analytical way to see things at this point. 

    I have no issue with someone being optimistic. Hell, you should be. It does nobody any good for you to mope around thinking the world is going to end.

    The issue with Trump downplaying the severity of the virus, is that we need a proper response from our government and leadership. They needed to take this seriously, and they didn't. The lack of response has already lead to the death of Americans, and will lead to more in the future. It's a serious misstep.

    Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    And yeah our resident Trumpster sheep will pie you for this, because of course.


    • Pie 3
  16. 1 minute ago, Pox 08 said:

    4  turnovers by the Texans.....  Only down by 13 points.     Texans defense carrying them so far. 

    A lot of poor play from the chiefs offense as well. Both offenses playing like garbage TBH, that's why I said this game is so painful to watch.

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